Staying at The Centrepoint Hotel - Day 2

After having a nice sleep (Well, not really a nice sleep due to the coldness from the air-conditioner), we woke up at 7AM and proceeded to our next plan that is S.W.I.M.M.I.N.G!!!! Oh, Aunty Eyah and Uncle Yoyoi went home early because Uncle Yoyoi has to go for work on that morning.

All of us except my big bro went to the 2nd floor and thank goodness, it was our luck on that day because the swimming pool was empty except a young girl being accompanied by her mom who totally enjoying herself swimming.

The swimmers on that day :-
- Tiara
- Loren
- Hamiz
- Nabil
- Munil
- Aunty Yadal

FYI, I didn't join them swimming because I just don't want too.

Aunty Yadal taught Munil on how to swim. Wow...Didn't expect that Aunty Yadal is VERY GOOD in swimming!!!

Haha....While taking pictures of them, picture of Hippos suddenly popped out. Haha...I hope you can guess what I have been imagined, watching them splashing and floating in the water.

My mom and Nini Bayan while watching them swimming.

I love this picture of Loren. So mysterious.....Too bad she covered her face with towel. Sapoil ehhh~

The swimming lasted for one and half hour then we headed back to our room, cleaned ourselves, have breakfast in the room, panyap2 nenda and put our bags into the car. At 10AM, we did our shopping once again at Jaya Hypermart and all of us has bought at least something~Nearly 12 midday, we check-out from the hotel because we have a function to attend at Bukit Barun. Grrrgghh....Actually we were planned to do shopping once again after check-out but the function disturbed our plan (;_;)

On the way to Bukit Barun, all of us were too exhausted that we all fell asleep in the car.

Ok...That's it!!! End of story about our staying at The Centrepoint Hotel. I quite enjoyed myself though~

As promised.....The stuffs that I have bought :-

A bracelet, eyeliner, eyeshadow + blusher, a ladies shoe and a t-shirt. I spent below $40 to buy all those stuffs and in the end, I WAS TOTALLY BROKE!!! Hoho.....(^_~)

The disappointing thing is, I didn't know how to use the eyeliner at all. Each time I practised using it, my eyes end up like the eyes of an owl (o_0)


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