Dear Diary.........

Dear Diary.......
I bought you on May 30, 2007, a day before the Royal Brunei Armed Forces Day Anniversary, with a price of $4.80. I started to write on your first page on the same day. I remembered my first attempt to write in English on you but as days passed by, I started to give up and began to write fully in Malay until your last page. In order to make you looked attractive, I spent my money to buy some stickers (I also stole Hamiz and Nabil's stickers....Shushhh...), coloured papers, coloured pen and some highlighters too. The stickers are used to mark my new entry while the others are used to design on your page. Even though I am poor in drawing but I DID TRY MY BEST to draw some pictures including some small one as your background or your border.

You really gave your FULL service to me. As I scanned through you not so long ago, I picked out some of the main topics which I have written. Starting from all the nonsense stuffs, my preparation in facing O 'Level Examinations, my various mental instability in facing various situations, my vacation to South Korea and last but not least, my admiration towards someone. I also noticed my kept-on-changing handwriting. Along your service period, I couldn't leave you behind. I even brought you along when I was having my vacation in South Korea even though the vacation was only for 8 days. Sometimes I did delay in writing a new entry on you. Therefore, in order to catch up with the delayed entry, I have to force myself to finish off all the entry which caused me to stayed up late, even if it has passed my sleeping time. There were moments when I did mad at you for adding burden to my busy schedule as a Form 5 student at that time. Sorry for that.....

March 13, 2008 marked your 'retirement' date which means that was my last entry I wrote on you. On your last page, I did give you my full signature which also remarked the end of my daily schedule I usually did with you. You were not even a YEAR with me.

Well, deep inside my heart and as your owner too, I would like to convey my full appreciation to you for becoming my 'friend' who can keep my secret, volunteered to know what my problems are (which were mostly nonsense) and for always being beside me whenever I need you.

After your 'retirement', I did search for a new book in all the bookstores I have visited in order to replace your job but until this day, I guess I can't find any book which are more 'beautiful' than you and which can fulfill my need.

Dear Diary.....
You are the first book which I managed to complete......since I am a person who usually do my work half way without finishing it off.

Dear Diary....
As long as I am still alive, I promise to take care of you without revealing your contents to other people.

Dear Diary....
When I am old and by the time I can feel that I am about to reach the end of my life (Hopefully....), I promise to read through you once again from your first page to your last page, just to recall whatever stories which had taken place in my entire life. And by that time, I hope I will have other diaries to accompany you along the process of my reading and recalling.

(Nurul Atikah Binti Mapil)


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