It's.....KARAOKE TIMES~~~~~\(^_^)/

Ok....Where should I start??? (?_?)

Kiki and Miki dropped by at my house around 4PM to ask whether I was available to go to Tiara's house that evening with them. Since I was so J.O.B.L.E.S.S and I also kind of missing Uncle Yoyoi's family a bit :# answer was YESSSS!!!!! (^_^)

When we reached there, fuhhh....I was kind of sad when knew that Loren has fever while Aunty Eyah got flu. Hopefully they will get well soon~Anyway, we spend our time chatting, dealing with Facebook (Goes to Tiara), watching "Boys Over Flowers" at Indosiar Channel,
makan-makan (Thanks for the chocolate Aunty.....and also the burgers) and finally, the highlight in that eveninggggg.....*Drum Roll*........KARAOKE!!!!!!

FYI I didn't eat the burgers....Why??? Naaa...Don't want to tell~

Even though Kiki has just recovered from fever, she still managed to
sing very well. Haha...we even forced her to sing "My Heart Will Go On" from Celine Dion (^0^). Oh....I can't remember what is the title of the song they sang in this video.

I also duet with Tiara but then I just realised that my voice fall in guys level. I voice is just too low to be grouped within female. I mostly can't reached all those high notes, not like Tiara's voice. Jealous to her (._.) Haha...

Hamiz and Boogy were present too but just for a while. My big bro came late to join us.

Vivi, Nani and Eyan came around 6PM and they also did the karaoke. I duet with Vivi too but unfortunately, I didn't snap any pictures with them.

Oh....I managed to captured Eyan's picture!!! KAWAIII neh??? Love her two
jambul ^///^ I think she didn't afraid of me anymore. Hoho...*Kambang*

Around 7.30PM, we went home and get ready to go to Uncle Yali's house. Vivi and Nani also followed us to Uncle Yali's house. When we reached there, Nini Bayan, Munil, Aunty Yanoi and Uncle Yoyoi's family already arrived and they were concentrated listening to Awie's explanation and looking at his pictures too during his stay in UK.

When we arrived there, a guest, I should have just come straight to the living room, listening to Awie's explanation. Instead of that, I went to their kitchen when I saw all the members of the family (Except for Awie of course) were there, preparing for the pizzas and they were like...."Shushh....Jangan bising" Haha....Yup, they didn't want the others to know that they were busy preparing the pizzas at that time.

I didn't know that Ajin is expert in making pizza!!!! Wow....jealous of him (T^T)

Then, I proceeded to their living room and joined the others, listening to Awie's explanation. Hmmm....I mostly like the part when he was staying at Canada at Aunty Siaw's house. I don't know....Maybe it is related to someone that we know so that's why I feel his story much more interesting. That is my POV actually~

Hamiz and Boogy arrived around that time.

Poor mobile phone~*Talking to myself*

One hour later, dinner time and FINALLY I or should I say all of us managed to taste the pizzas......Nyamannnn...Not bad~Pizza buatan sendiri kajun~Our dinner on that day was kind of Western food. We have pizza, macaroni, fried chicken.....Kanyang jualah parut~

These are the pizzas made by Ajin with the help of Areh too and the instructions from their parents and Ejos.

Tiara couldn't wait to eat the macaroni (^0^)

After finished with the dinner, we gave our stomach a rest first........

Dido, Awan and Mimin (Long time since I last met him) arrived around that time. I didn't capture their pictures though~

*Memanatzzz timezzz*

Nini Bayan started to feel cold and sleepy [(- -)]

Aunty Eyah isolated herself because she was about to sneeze, I think~

At that time, Loren's fever started to get worsen. Poor of her (T^T)

Then, we continued to listen to Awie's stories again but this time it was a short one.

And the moment we all waiting for.....*Drum Roll*.....KARAOKE or SINGSTAR TIME (The term used in Uncle Yali's house)

The contestants for the Singstar were judged by Nini Bayan and Aunty Yanoi (^0^) LOLs

First round : Kiki Vs Tiara => Bad Romance from Lady Gaga
The winner => Kiki
Wow....Her recovery from fever didn't stop her from showing her own fierce or taring. Hmmm...don't know how to translate that. Maksudnya nada siapa yang dapat memberantikan ea lah camatu!!!

Next round : Hamiz Vs Awie => Bring Me To Life From Evanescene
The Winner => Awie

Anyway, I was shocked when Kiki sang many songs and competed with "Can't-remember-siapa-saja" and she always ended up becoming the winner on that day. Wow....I want to compete with her next time (o_0) Hoho....

We went home around 1.??AM.

Oh....Awie also gave us some souvenirs too. Thank you so much Awie~

A teddy bear's key chain for me. SO CUTE!!!!!

A key chain for Hamiz. I would say it is unique and kind of antique too~

A key chain for Nabil. So cool!!!

2 chocolates for me. I don't know why the picture couldn't be rotated anticlockwise???

After I ate it. Meher aA???? (^0^) Haha......

Same problem....Don't know why it couldn't be rotated too (._.)


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