I can be your listener if you want......

19th July 2010 is quite a challenging day.

I think I was too KIND today as I was willing to become a shoulder for 2 of my friends to cry on. Well, they are not really crying on my shoulder as a matter of fact.
I climbed up the stairs 9 to 10 times, replying one of my friend's messages and at the same time I went down to the living room, replying my other friend's inbox. Besides that, I even make a call for her because she really wanted someone to listen to her disappointment. I really felt poor for both of them.

When all the "counseling session" were done, I felt quite relieve. At least I have made a good thing today, became a shoulder for both of them. I am not a good adviser but I can become your good listener if you want me to. I will nod my head continuously along the "session".

Dear friend, please do not hesitate if you need somebody to talk. I will always be there for you.

I am not sure whether I want something as a return but one thing for sure, I am doing all these as what a friend should do. I am not like the others who hang out with their friends when they are happy but leave them behind when they are facing difficult situation. I am not belong to that kind of people.

Without my friends, I won't be able to understand what the term F.R.I.E.N.D.S.H.I.P.S means. I am glad my friends are still beside me until today. Thank you for everything~

Ohhh....I am about to cry. Haha...LOLs......


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