Reunion With My SMSO's Library Gang

This was my first time hanging out with TOTALLY different person whom I used to hang out with.
Q : Who are there??
A : My Library Gang....Yeah...
Q : Why do you called them as your "Library Gang"??
A : Well, before the June exam started, I usually came to school whenever I didn't have mood in revising. Since my bestfriends didn't came to school anymore, I decided to hang out with them. And of course, IN THE LIBRARY. I guess that is how I became closer to them. Hoho *Proud of myself*
Q : So who are your friends IN the Library Gang??
A : *Take a deep breath* Hmm...I will list the names out at the end of this post.
Q : *Looked so annoyed* Ok...So what you usually do when you were with them??
A : All sort of stuffs. From doing our revision, reading newspaper articles everyday, copying movies (goes to Mei Ling, Shaliza & Erney...Kekeke), having recess time together at the canteen and last but not least, CHATTING!!!!
Q : *Yawning* Hmm...Thank you so much for giving your cooperation in this interview.
A : You welcome.

CUT!!!! Lets continue with the story, shall we??

Just like my previous gathering with my Sci2 classmate, the discussion was done through our Facebook inbox for 2 weeks. The reunion this time was especially made for Ayai who was going to transferred to Wasan Vocational School and lived in the hostel on last Monday (05.07.2010). We decided to held the reunion on 2nd of July. Initially, most of them wanted to do it at the Pantai Seri Kenangan Beach but thanks to Haziq, we changed the plan to do it at Express Tutong since it is much more convenient. "You come, order, pay, eat and leave". SIMPLE!!!

Oh....there were 10 of us discussing through the inbox, FYI....

When the actual day came, haha....since SOME of us didn't have all of our contact number (including me), so on the way to Express, we have to check our Facebook inbox to inform our current location. And I was the LAST one to arrive which was around 2.30PM *Blushing*

We went inside the Express, ordered our food (I ordered the World Cup Fish Fillet......It was BIG, I would say), went upstairs, did some chit chat while chewing our food and lastly, KACHINGgggg.....Liyana and me were the only one who brought our camera.

HAWT Haziq...Kekeke....

Sweet Alifah and Mei Ling....

Japanese look from Liyana

Ayai yang ayu...Hoho....

My pictures with all of them were in Liyana's camera so I have to wait for her to upload it and tagged to me.

After done with the food, all of us accompanied Alifah to the Zafirah Saloon nearby because she wanted to do some haircut.

Alifah during the haircut....

That was the end of our reunion. Oh...Liyana followed me back home and thanks for her for the "Kampung Padang" thing. Believe it or not, I didn't know where is Kampung Padang actually. Kekekeke....=P


- Me (Of Course)
- Ayai
- Mei Ling
- Liyana
- Safwanah
- Haziq (The only guy)


- Erney
- Shaliza
- Maslinah
- Asmaa aka Mimi
- Aini
- Sha (I am not sure whether she was being informed or not)


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