Staying at The Centrepoint Hotel - Day 1

As the title has stated, I guess my mom was TOO kind to waste her money, she has booked 2 rooms at The Centrepoint Hotel (Deluxe and Junior Suite with connecting room) somewhere in June. At first, my mom planned to book a deluxe room at Rizqun Hotel but when we checked ourselves how big the room is, naaa.....TOO small!! But we did book the room though. Then we went to Centrepoint Hotel and did the checking again for junior suite room this time and we were satisfied with the size so automatically, my mom also booked the room + deluxe with connecting room and she cancelled the one in Rizqun Hotel.

At first, the room was for Nini Bayan, Aunty Yadal + Munil, Aunty Yanoi and Uncle Yoyoi's family to stay there but hmmm...I don't mom changed her plan and she included all of us, I mean our family, to join staying at the Centrepoint too. I guess my mom also wanted to entertain herself~So we picked the date on July 9 (Friday) since the next day was a public holiday. Unfortunately, Aunty Yanoi's family couldn't join us since Kiki, Didi and Miki fell sick due to fever. Quite disappointed but the plan still went on.....


On the actual day, my big bro, Hamiz, me myself, Tiara and Loren went earlier from home around 1PM while my parents and Nabil have to pick up Nini Bayan first. On the way to Gadong, Kachingggg.....

Actually, we were chasing time since we were supposed to check-in before 2PM. Thank goodness we made it even though it was a bit late. I can still remember how is it felt like to carry our own bag into the lobby. Anyway, we were the "local tourist" on that day!!!!^^

Done with the check-in, the 5 of us proceeded to our room on 6th floor (No.632 and 633). Haha....we were so sakai at first. Checking every corner of the room while me myself didn't miss the chance to record the video. Yeah...who cares since our parents hasn't arrive yet.

Heading to our room...

This is how the kitchen looked like from different angle

The toilet.....Hoho~

The bedroom

Oh...this one I took it from the internet since I forgot to take the picture of the other bedroom. But it looks almost the same except the cushion.

And finally, the living room. I took this from the internet too. Forgot to take the picture too~

What I like most about the room is because there are 3 plasma HD television + 3 stereos so we didn't have to share. The boring part is there are no kitchen utensils provided. There is kitchen but no utensils so no point because we still can't cook~

While waiting for our parents to come, the 5 of us went to the 2nd floor to check for the swimming pool.

There are 2 swimming pools being provided. One for adult while the other one for the children. But the swimming pool looks small with no lifeguard. Anyway, there are also tennis court, restaurant and some pondok closed to the swimming pool too.

We didn't spend too much time at the swimming pool because our parents, Nabil and Nini Bayan has finally arrived.

Tiara showing her excitement....^^

Posing with lovely hanger!!!!

Loren was tired after we came back from the swimming pool.

Nini Bayan posing in the toilet. Haha~

Nini Bayan and Tiara

The mirror loves us so much!!!

Have a rest first before going to the Food Court.

Then proceed to "ngisi tian" at Food Court around 4PM. Tiara treat me DimSum. Nyamannnnn!!!!!

Rojak brought by my dad. Padas gila!!!!!! that time, Aunty Yadal and Munil has just arrived.

The moment all of us has been waiting for. SHOPPING AT THE MALL!!!!!!
Basically, the 3 of us (me, Tiara and Loren) were shopping on our own. We kept on wandering between 1st floor to the 3rd floor because Tiara wanted to buy a shoe while Loren wanted to buy a watch. Me?? Hmm...I wanted to buy a hard disc but I forgot to withdraw my money from the bank. Pabo!!!! *Knock my head*

In the end, both sibling manage to buy what they wanted with some extra stuffs too. Hoho....Me?? Naa....I will tell you later~

I also got my chance to take picture with Yee since I have made a promise to her via Facebook. Hopefully her manager won't mad because I have disturbed her during her work. Hopefully~

At 7PM, the 3 of us went to the 4th floor since the rest of them have waited for us at the Food Court to have dinner. We also planned to watch a movie at the cinema at 7.30PM. If you notice, YUPppp....the 3 of us were actually late. I mean, late for dinner!!!! Oh....Uncle Yoyoi and Aunty Eyah has already arrived at that time.

However, since Uncle Yawang's family hasn't arrived yet due to traffic jam, my big bro postponed the schedule for the movie from 7.30PM to 9.40PM. Due to exhausted, some of us went back to the hotel to get some rest and returned back to the cinema before 9.40PM. Only Nabil and Munil were "strong" because they were still having fun at the arcade!!!

We returned back at the cinema and Uncle Yawang's family has already arrived. All of us were joining for the movie except my parents and Nini Bayan.

We were watching.....

Honestly, the movie is TERRIBLY SUCKS because I couldn't understand some of the storyline. Besides that, our seating arrangement are on the second row from the front. So mostly all of us were suffering from sakit leher and paning. Fuhhh...what a bad experience that we got this time!!! Just wondering why the back seat are all full?? Because this movie didn't deserve that kind of response. Yup...that is the truth.

The movie lasted for about 2 hours and that was my first time to see all the shop inside The Mall closed. Wow...Totally new experience. Gelap yow....
Uncle Yawang's family visited our room after the movie ended.

When we reached at our room, my dad and Nini Bayan already fallen sleep. Kesian~
Even though the time has passed midnight, we still enjoyed having our chit chat with makan-makan too.

Tiara and Lela posing eating the potato chips courtesy from Uncle Yoyoi

Azura...Fuhh...So difficult to take her picture!!!

Loren and Diana. Busy Facebook-ing~

This is what a model should learn if they want to become a model for McDonald^^

Amy aka Lily. So difficult to take her picture too.

Uncle Yawang and Nini Bayan.

After having our chit chat, Uncle Yawang's family went back home around 2PM. Fuhhh...boleh tahan~Even after they went back home, I still enjoying myself chewing the food. Maybe it was because I didn't take my dinner perhaps. dad has bought some donuts too. Thank goodness I managed to grab one for myself. Nyamannnnn yuuuu~

Then....time for sleep. The guys excluding Munil and my big bro slept on the floor at the living room (Poor to them). My mom, my big bro, Nini Bayan, Aunty Yadal + Munil slept in the bedroom while me, Tiara, Loren and Aunty Eyah slept in another bedroom. I also managed to take some of their sleeping pictures but let it just be my personal collection.

Anyway, I will continue Day 2 next time. Fuhhh....swollen fingers. Haha...Such a long descriptions...(*^.^*)


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