Met Awie.....And SINGSTAR too...

This is the follow-up post from our staying at The Centrepoint Hotel on Saturday.
On that day, Awie who has stayed for almost 2 years in UK has arrived to Brunei safely around 9AM. In the evening around 8PM, my big bro, Hamiz, me myself, Tiara and Loren went to visit him at his house.
When we reached there, his cousins on his father's side were all excited about his new PS3 which he bought from UK. We wanted to look at his photos during his 2 years stay but unfortunately, his laptop cannot be connected to their television in order to get a large view of his photos. Anyway, we spent our time there watching them playing the PS3 games (Even though I am not interested in games) and watching Ajin playing his guitar.

We also have our dinner there and listening to Awie's stories about his experience in UK. Even though I was a little bit clueless about his stories but I did enjoy it. My big bro also mentioned something which I truly didn't like to Awie and it really made me a little moody for a while.

The funniest thing was when the time almost reached to midnight and Tiara and Loren were feeling sleepy, Awie suddenly asked Tiara to karaoke with him by using Singstar. So we were like.....ok *Nodding* When we watched with our own eyes how Singstar would look like, it is almost the same as what we usually do when we want to karaoke.

Basically, Singstar is a PS3 game which is used for karaoke (For sure....) and 2 microphones were also provided. After observing how Singstar worked, I finally get what is meant by Awie when he told us that he has to pay in order to download each song (^o^)

First trial, Awie Vs Tiara => Bad Romance by Lady Gaga.
Winner => Awie
Wow....Didn't expect that he knows how to sing (o.O)

This is the video that I took when Tiara competed with Awie

I also didn't miss my chance to compete with him too \(^_^)/ I remembered we sang "Hinder-Lips Of An Angel" and "The Script-The Man Who Can't Be Moved" but I didn't remember who win.

In conclusion, this game can determine whether we are suitable to become a singer or not (LOLS.....).

The game is so interesting!!!! Siuk nya mu!!! I wish I have that game too. Unfortunately, it is only for PS3 (TT _ TT). And we have to pay in order to download the song (Fuhhh.....)

I guess this game really show me how much I am OUTDATED in western song (T _ T)

Anyway, that was a new experience for us. Haha....Thanks Awie~


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