23rd July

I was freaking bored today and Thank Goodness Miki asked me to go to Uncle Yoyoi's house in the afternoon and since I didn't finish watching Karate Kids yesterday, my answer was YES!. Unfortunately, I went there 2 hours later because I fell a sleep while waiting for my mobile phone to finish charging. LOLs.....

And they have made cheesecakes without informed me first. Huhuhuhu....."
Beginilah nasib diriku yang malang, Oh Tuhan". ^^


While we were there, we watched....

The movie is totally 360 degree different from the storybook which I always read when I was small. And I don't know that The Beauty will wear mini skirt (^o^).

Then, we proceeded to become mandur, cangkul2 tanah at simpang~

Memalui dulu~

Tikam tuh numbur aA.....^^

No picture of Tiara.....Sorry darling~

During the "working period", I would say each one of us (Especially the ladies...hoho...) almost emitted our own toxic gas. Kekekeke....But thankfully, no one did that *Urut2 dada* We also have made our own "Rocky Mountains" (Nda payah susah2 dtng ke Canada lgi) but unfortunately, I didn't take the picture *Katuk kepala sendiri*

Our work stopped due to the rain. Uffff....hate the rain!!!! WE ALMOST DONE WITH THE WORK!!!!! *Scream my lungs out*

Then proceeded to Nini Lipan's house. Awwww.....my grandparent's new house almost finish *Jumping on the bed* Can't wait......Not bad~LAWA!!!!!

We spent our time chit chat with the others, makan cheesecake (Syng nada gmbr....) and giggled while listening to Uncle Yoyoi's conversation with Nani. Naaa....Don't want to tell~

Lastly, we went back home and OUCHHH....Backache.......LOLs (^o^)

Thanks Goodness I have done something today. At least I can wash away my disappointment and jealousy to my friends because I was SURELY GUARANTEED that they will have so much fun at OGDC!!! Once again...."Beginilah nasib diriku yang malang, Oh Tuhan" Hahaha.....


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