Shopping trip to aMIRIca

Firstly, thanks to Isah for the brilliant word.

aMIRIca = MIRI (Kes nda kesmpaian kn trabng ke America....)


We joined SMSO trip for shopping to Miri. We bought along Tiara, Kiki and Munil(My big bro didn't joined us today). At first, my dad was like....."didn't-want-to mention" and my mom was like....."didn't-want-to-mention-too" but thank goodness the bus didn't left us~ :-)

And thank goodness TOO that non of the teachers who followed the trip are my teachers who have taught me last year. Nasib baik~

On the way.....

We visited Neuki??? (Lurus kh tuh??), Parkson, Boulevard and E-Mart. Actually....I started to lose my energy during the two last visit.

We went to Miri at 7.30AM and went back home at 6.30PM and yup yup yup.....I fell asleep in the bus during our way back to SMSO. Ngalehhhh~Shopaholic bnr~^^

We (Me, Tiara and Kiki) were trying our best to make use the limited time given, wandering around the shop but I think I started to lose my appetite in shopping during the last two visit. Yup yup yup.....Exhausted......and run out of money too~

Tiara and me even changed our money again at Parkson but for me, the money still didn't manage to cover me up. Huh....sasak sasak~

On the way back to SMSO, it was raining heavily but fortunately, the weather did cooperate very well with us when we were still at Miri. Hoho....Thank You Thank You.... off time....

Note : Skip this part if you felt annoyed......

What did I buy........

Nk Didi!!!! Kaka Atik udah bali ikat rmbut mcm kmu punya aA!!!! Hoho....Sekadar~

Presents for the two princess

Yessss.....No more borrowing from my mom!!!

Want to try a new style of ladies shoe

Happy Happy Happy!!! :-)

I shared with Tiara when paying for this DVD. Don't worry....I will wait for her to finish her exam first~

I spent approximately RM3?? just for that WHOLE day. Ganas kh tuh??? (^_^)

Anyway, really have fun today and hoped that Tiara will do her best during her exam tomorrow. Felt pity for that girl.



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