Reunion With Ripas Gang

Me and Lulu planned to meet our friend from Ripas at Express. It was more like a reunion and to release our tension too. We should met exactly at 9am but due to an unavoidable reason, the Ripas's princess arrive an hour later. To our surprise, Pikah and her sister together with Nisah's sister also joined us~
We makan2, exchanged our news, asking for others opinions and most importantly, giving the TVXQ's videos to Nabilah. Ahernya~!!!!!!!! Hmmm....I was quite surprised with her recent news too~Sabar k~
And brutah aku tau yg d-Express nada WiFi~Hish hish hish.....

Before we ended our meeting, kaching kaching first~Syng Lulu balik awal~Huhuhuhu......

When I arrived at home, aduiiiii....trasa rindu plng balik rh durng~Hehehehehehe......Sabar Atik....Sabar~

Anyway, I added my collection again.....Wuahahahahahaha *Evil Laugh* I bought "Tohoshinki 3rd Live Tour 2008~T~" Kekekekekeke.........

*Kira2 pkai jari* Wow......I managed to collect 6 of their DVDs!!!!! \(^_^)/

Batah jua yg "The 3rd Asia Tour Mirotic" atu smpai aA......Antah, kapal layar apakh yg durng pkai ntuk mengantar kemari atu~Jgn2 yg tyme Antonia Pigafetta atu x.....LOLs


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