Miracle approached me!!!!!

Yup.....miracle approached me!!!
I check in my FB this morning and noticed that someone has added me. Due to only one mutual friend, I went to her profile, checking for her photo but I found NON!!! I was planning to ignore her at first but by looking at her name (Somehow I was familiar with her name) and looking at her date of birth (I am also familiar with that date too), I decided to "confirm" her anyway~
Then, I checked in my inbox and realised that person has sent me a message asking for some....info from me and THAT IS!!!! She is my long lost bestfriend!!!

Her name is Nurafiqah. I became friend with her when I moved to Tutong Kem in Primary 6. We were in the same class, 6A. I don't know how I could become closer with her. No reason!!! Jodoh x aA....At that time, people started to confuse with our names because she is Pikah while I am Tikah so.....it sounded almost the same. And confusing too~Haha...So funny~
Then, we continued our friendship to Form 1 in Sufri Bolkiah, even though we were not in the same class anymore. Unfortunately, she has transferred to other school the next year. We didn't have our official "Goodbye" and we didn't even have our pictures together~

She did give me her phone number but I LOST it!!!! So careless~

I did try to search for her father's name in the phone book but there are TOO many people who have the same name as her father!!!! So.....Not a successful plan!!!
I created my accounts in Friendster and Facebook and I even typed her full name in order to find her, but most of it were Malaysian~So.....Again....Not successful!!!!
FINALLY.....HAHA....I FOUND HER. Well, she is the one who found me first!! I can't believe that she is also searching for me for all this while. Oh my god....I thought I am the only one who did that. Well....thanks to Facebook~I love you Facebook!!!!

We exchanged our news and....YUP....Time has passed by so fast. We have changed so much. I really miss our moments together. The time when both of us just turned into teenagers. The time when we exchanged our secrets. The time when I started to encounter the experience of admiring someone and being admired. The time when I started to widen my social life.....Fuhhh...really miss that moment though~
She didn't change much though in terms of look. She still has the same look as I could remember. Well, instead I am the one who change a lot~Haha....

Ok....We still have lots to catch up between each other!!!!

Oh....This is my description about her in my Friendster!!!! I think I should delete this description after this~ Well....better not!! Just let it be there forever~

Pikah also suggested us to meet someday. Hmmm.....I didn't put too much hope though~I don't know.....My silly feeling nowadays....and time constrains too~But hopefully, ada rezeki lh kn bejumpa~

Haha...really miss her!!! Does anyone want to put our story in "Menjejak Kasih"?? Anyone?? LOLs....


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