Paper Cranes For DBSK From Indo Cassie in Pontianak, West Borneo

From Indonesian Cassie in Pontianak, West Borneo, Indonesia‏:

This is the paper cranes that we deliberately created and dedicated to DBSK, because in Japan there is a belief if we can make 1000 paper cranes hence our request will be granted …

Therefore we aim to do this so that our wish: the problem between Jaejoong, Yoochun and Junsu against SM and five of them finished soon, and Yunho, Jaejoong, Junsu, Yoochun and Changmin will be together again, singing and hanging out… will come true …

Goddddd......I am extremely jealous of them.....Their paper cranes are so beautiful. Ok....I lost my adjectives now. One thing for sure, I am so jealous!!!!!

Yup...just like what the project aimed....TEAMWORK!!! Goshhh....I supposed I should find some partners earlier ?_?

Anyway, as what their wish are in making the project successful and also for every Cassie's hope, including me, hopefully it will be granted one day. Aminnnnnn......

Red Balloons and Red Oceans united!!!!!

~Always Keep The Faith~


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