What an experience......

What an experience.......
Wandering, rushing, running in the hospital......
Checking every corner and every sign board for the next medical test......
Using that limited time given......
Asked the receptionist several times......
Passed by the security tons of times......

Mr Security.....Please don't look at us like that.....We are running out of time just now.......

The red spot below is the result from my mantoux test. Kn melatup kulitku ulehnya~

Paper Cranes For DBSK From Indo Cassie in Pontianak, West Borneo

From Indonesian Cassie in Pontianak, West Borneo, Indonesia‏:

This is the paper cranes that we deliberately created and dedicated to DBSK, because in Japan there is a belief if we can make 1000 paper cranes hence our request will be granted …

Therefore we aim to do this so that our wish: the problem between Jaejoong, Yoochun and Junsu against SM and five of them finished soon, and Yunho, Jaejoong, Junsu, Yoochun and Changmin will be together again, singing and hanging out… will come true …

Goddddd......I am extremely jealous of them.....Their paper cranes are so beautiful. Ok....I lost my adjectives now. One thing for sure, I am so jealous!!!!!

Yup...just like what the project aimed....TEAMWORK!!! Goshhh....I supposed I should find some partners earlier ?_?

Anyway, as what their wish are in making the project successful and also for every Cassie's hope, including me, hopefully it will be granted one day. Aminnnnnn......

Red Balloons and Red Oceans united!!!!!

~Always Keep The Faith~

Ehem Ehem......

To my 3 lovely cousins.....Don't forget Kaka Atik aA~ (^_*)

New Flower

Mom bought a new flower. Well, there were two actually. The other one, she placed it on top of the almari so I couldn't take the picture. For this one, it cost $50++ and it's height is much more taller than me.

The outcome?? Our house became more sempit than before~

Harapan Ramadan - Man Bai & Raihan

I always shimmering when it comes to the "Selangkah demi selangkah" part. To be honest, it is quite scary....thinking of whatever kindness and sins I did without my full awareness. I didn't even managed to perform any fasting because......I was weak. I mean, not in terms of physical but my mentality, niat, harapan.....alum lgi brapa kuat~And whatever happened this year somehow successfully weaken me, makes me neglected to our....should I say.....creator.

It must felt different to conduct fasting during Ramadan.....Timbulnya kesedaran, menguji iman....But just like what I have mentioned, I am still weak. Hopefully, I still have the chance to do so~I really really want to conduct fasting one day. Yup...hopefully ada rezeki~

Anyway, Happy Fasting everyone. Semoga berkat puasanya taun ane~

Rindu Muhammadku - Haddad Alwi, Anti & Vita

Ya Rabbi bil Mustafa
Ya Rabbi bil Mustafa
Ya Rabbi bil Mustafa
Balig ma Qaasidana
Waghfir lana ma ma dha
Ya wasi al karami

Demi cinta-Mu ya Allah
Pada Muhammad nabi-Mu
Ampunilah dosaku
Wujudkan harapanku

Ya Rasullallah salamun’alaik
Ya Rafi ‘assya ni waddaraji
Siapa yang cinta pada nabinya
Pasti bahagia dalam hidupnya

Muhammadku Muhammadku dengarlah seruanku
Aku rindu aku rindu kepadamu Muhammadku

Kau yang mengaku cinta kepada nabimu
Kau yang mengaku merindukan nabimu
Jika kau benar-benar cinta dan rindu kepada Muhammad nabimu
Taati perintah-Nya, tinggalkan larangan-Nya
Teladani akhlaknya
Niscaya kelak kau akan berjumpa dengan Rasullallah
Niscaya kelak kau akan berkumpul dengan Rasullallah

Muhammadku Muhammadku dengarlah seruanku
Aku rindu aku rindu kepadamu Muhammadku

Kau ajarkan hidup ini untuk saling mengasihi
Ku tanamkan dalam hati, ku amalkan sejak dini

Ya Rasullallah salamun’alaik
Ya Rafi ‘assya ni waddaraji
Engkaulah nabi pembawa cinta
Kau bimbing kami menjuju surga

Muhammadku Muhammadku dengarlah seruanku
Aku rindu aku rindu kepadamu Muhammadku

Muhammadku Muhammadku dengarlah seruanku
Aku rindu aku rindu kepadamu Muhammadku

Muhammadku Muhammadku dengarlah seruanku
Aku rindu aku rindu kepadamu Muhammadku

Kau yang mengaku cinta kepada nabimu
Kau yang mengaku merindukan nabimu
Jika kau benar-benar cinta dan rindu kepada Muhammad nabimu
Taati perintah-Nya, tinggalkan larangan-Nya
Teladani akhlaknya
Niscaya kelak kau akan berjumpa dengan Rasullallah
Niscaya kelak kau akan berkumpul dengan Rasullallah

I AM TIRED.......

Honestly, I am too tired. It happened since this last 3 months. Sick of the cruel and meaningless hope. In the end, it ended with the same ending. I really need a full stop. Really sick of it. I really want to go back to the time before the cruel hope happened. I am just like a wood puppet. Following the flow of the situation and ended it just like that. Without the continuous outcome. How cruel and brutal is that? Leaving me hopeless. Don't have the gut to oppose it.

I am stuck in between two roads. Two roads which leave me to choose. One road which let me to surrender just like that because I had experienced enough in facing the extreme tiredness or another road which force me to keep on continue, struggling along the journey. Whichever road I choose, both road still bring me to the unclear ending.

I know it is really really important for me. It just that....I am tired, waiting for whatever is waiting for me in the end!

Am I giving up? For today, my answer would be YES!


Shielding myself, protecting myself, covering myself, isolating myself.....Somehow, the thought of falling to sleep forever appeared!!

How do I feel today?



Kaktus Dan Kupu-kupu

Kadang kita meminta pada Allah setangkai bunga yg indah, tapi Allah beri kaktus yg berduri.

Kita minta kupu-kupu, tapi diberi ulat.

Kita pun kecewa...

Namun kemudian kaktus itu berbunga, indah sekali dan ulat itupun menjadi kupu-kupu yg cantik.

Itulah jalan Allah, indah kalau sudah pada waktunya...

Allah tidak memberi apa yg kita harapkan, tapi Allah memberi apa yg kita butuhkan.

Kadang kita sedih, kecewa, terluka, berburuk sangka, tapi jauh di atas segalanya Allah sedang memberikan yg terbaik untuk hidup kita.

Source : Brunei FM

My Cake Vico.....Walaaaaaa~

INTRODUCING.....MY CAKE VICO!!!!! \\(^_^)//
I changed the nestum to oats and I finished making it approximately 45 minutes later~Cooled it down first and kept it in the refrigerator!! Can't wait to vacuum it right away~

I also cooked ayam masak kicap plus sayur petola today but I didn't take the pictures. WHY?? My mom forced me to cook it, not from my own will. LOLs....

Anyway, I am going to photocopy my certificates after this so....BYE readers......

P/S : I tasted the cake vico just now and guess what....It was so hard to chew~I guess I use too much vico or too little margerine....Not sure why~

The Teaserrrrrrrrrrrrrr.............

Kyaaaaaaaa..........Once again, Kyaaaaaaaaaa........
Oxygen oxygen oxygen.....I need some oxygen.....

adakh kna siarkn on9 tuh??? Sanggupku meliat nehhhhhhh....
Anyway, I think the teaser is TOO short!!!! Kekeke......
rangka jua bnr ehhhh....


I checked in my email just now and quite surprised when that website has given me my result. I mean, I thought they will not going to give me the result since they stated that I have to purchase via my bank account first which I am guaranteed to avoid that kind of process. Takut kana tipu yow..... However...the result was....Ya Rabbi.....Memalukan jua bnr ehhhh.....Nasib baik inda exposed (Kecuali d-sini lh but no woe, ku colour2 udah tuh gmbr aA.....Nmpk yg warna hijau tuh???)

Atik....It seems like you have to sharpen your brain again. Tumpul udah aA......*Angguk2*



Can't wait Can't wait.....
30th August neh???

But why is the poster looks dull to me??
Aku byangkn posternya mcm......cali kh~

Anyway.....I really can't wait!!!!!! (^_^)

Sherina - Cinta Pertama Dan Terakhir

Sherina – Cinta Pertama Dan Terakhir

sebelumnya tak ada yang mampu

mengajakku untuk bertahan

di kala sedih

sebelumnya ku ikat hatiku

hanya untuk aku seorang

sekarang kau di sini hilang rasanya

semua bimbang tangis kesepian


kau buat aku bertanya

kau buat aku mencari

tentang rasa ini

aku tak mengerti

akankah sama jadinya

bila bukan kamu

lalu senyummu menyadarkanku

kau cinta pertama dan terakhirku

sebelumnya tak mudah bagiku

tertawa sendiri di kehidupan

yang kelam ini

sebelumnya rasanya tak perlu

membagi kisahku saat ada yang mengerti

sekarang kau di sini hilang rasanya

semua bimbang tangis kesepian

repeat reff

bila suatu saat kau harus pergi

jangan paksa aku tuk cari yang lebih baik

karena senyummu menyadarkanku

kaulah cinta pertama dan terakhirku

repeat reff

P/S : I thought Dayang Nurfaizah was the one who sang this song LOL ^O^ Both of their voices somehow sounded the same~Anyway, I take back my word. I guess Sherina has her own quality in her voice~Best of luck to her~

Acara Merisik For Kaka Nono

♬ ♬ Renjis Renjis Dipilis, ditepungilah tawar.....♬ ♬

Ehhhh....Alum lgikh??? ^o^

Wakil sebalah lelaki => Nini Yamak
Wakil sebalah bini2 => Uncle Impan

❤❤ Anyway, congrats to Kaka Nono ❤❤

After the acara risik-merisik, we spent our time helping Bibeh with her work (ahernya siap jua....), karaoke-ing (To be exact, meliat plng ganya tuh.....Kes nda tau poco-poco kajun~), kachingzz kachingzz and then went to Uncle Yoyoi's house to have our tea time with TUNA!!!! Nyamannnnnn.......

Once again....

Someone is missing me once again. I mean.....US!!! Aiyoo....how I wished Amal has her FB too~ Honestly, all of us seems like going to our separate ways. I mean, dgn cra yg baik lh~ Probably....soon. I really miss our moment together~ Yup yup yup....Just like what Zirah has said, dpt tuh....dpt!!! Amin Amin Amin.....

Another loss of a great Cassie

Another loss of a great Cassiopeia.....
A loss of a star.....

Dear Ruehl, you are the first channel which provides high definition videos of TVXQ when I scanned through the million videos of TVXQ in YouTube. Your copyright.....your name, 'RuehINY' which appears in each of your uploaded videos.....Your nice and honest comments in each of your videos....Unfortunately, I always skipped from r
eading your comments because....I guess it was due to my eagerness to download the video. My first and only question I asked you was "How many version of Bolero MVs are there??" and unexpectedly, you answered my question personally not long after that. Thank you for that~

Honestly, I only depend on you when it comes to TVXQ's MVs.....

And now you are gone......

I was so shock.....I only knew about it last night~Sorry.....
Thanks to Angel for the info. You are still young and I can't believe that you will leave us that soon. Your last tribute's video for TVXQ.....sorry, I miss download that
video before your account was suspended. Still.....I can't believe that video was your last work for us. Thank you once again~

Hopefully, YouTube will take back the suspension
so that all Cassiopeia can browse back your hard work for all this while.

Dear Ruehl, you are one of the great Cassiopeia.......Rest in peace...

TVXQ, your parents, your friends and Cassies from all over the world are proud of you~

~Always Keep The Faith~

The description of his loss.....

My comment on his other channel

His last uploaded video from his other account.... Thank you Ruehl.....and miss TVXQ so much~

Buleh d-percayai kh tuh???

I was so damn worried about "don't-want-to-mention" so I'll try this application and.....hehehe...quite surprised with the result~ Reporter????

Buleh d-percayai kh tuh??
I mean, I love writing.....I can even wrote a book if I have a strong desire but....being a reporter???

Interview urng then buat report?? or article then kraja ikut shift then English lgi mesti d-pikirkn~


Antah ehhh......*Kes malas kn pikir*

Secret - Madonna

Finally realesed...... OMG....The 4 of them are so damn pretty. Love their dress at the beginning of the MV. And I didn't expect Zinger would be that HAWT!!!! And what's wrong with HyoSung's hair colour?? It looks....TOO PALE~I prefer her black and blonde hair.

FYI : Not really like the song though....LOL^^
Just felt amazed with the MV~




Someone called me just now.....
Sorry for not being a good counselor~I just nodded my head repeatedly, not knowing what to do in order to comfort you. You are so stress and tired with your current situation....I really felt poor of you. I'm not sure whether my action of "prefer-to-listen-rather-than-giving-advice" is enough to help you.
Whenever I need your help, I always count on you but by the time you are in desperate situation, I was completely BLANK!!!!
Sorry once again~

Tohoshinki 3rd Live Tour 2008~T~

Note : This is only for my satisfaction only~

I watched the DVD using the lappy (Kesiannye......) but I didn't finish watching the whole DVD due to that stupid lappy....Ggggrrrr.....Anyway, I'm going to select some of my favorite songs plus some of their best performances too, from my point of view......

As usual, favorite song => Tecangang meliat.....
Not in my favorite list => Menguap meliat......Hehehe......

Song For You

Not my favorite song but this song is quite light.....Doesn't give me headache when I listen to it~

You're My Miracle

Not my favorite too but still a light song....

Darkness Eyes

My favorite song!!!!! 1st time listened to it, I thought it is a soundtrack for a ghost movie~(^o^) I like Junsu'voice as the background. Like their choreography when they walk on the stage lift?? but hate it when it comes to Yunho's rap!!! I can't even catch what the hell is he pronounced~More like whispering and mumbling even though he rapped in English~

"Duckness On My Eyes" LOLs......

Lovin You

Not my favorite, even their official MV but still amazed when they showed their full penghayatan. My heart sink when JaeJoong sang "Lovin You" at the beginning of each chorus....Goshhhh....Anyway, this song sounds like an old Japanese song~

Forever Love

Love this song!!!!! Really want to cry when listen to it~

Dance clip & Clap

I love the dance clip only!!!!
No voice. Just clap!!! Mcm urng babau lh durng tuh~Love their "Happy Feet" version~But LOL at Junsu when he appeared in the video~Setaie....Hahaha.....


First time listen to this song~Quite nice....quite simple and quite light.......

Asuwa Kuru Kara

Love Junsu's part at the end of the song~Love his screammmmmm......I think Junsu was crying at the end, right??? The only thing is, he sweats too much so that's why we can't see his tear~God.....Love Junsu's voice in here~

Last Angel Feat Koda Kumi

God......Koda Kumi is actually performed with them!!!!! Haha.....I thought she doesn't present because TVXQ sang her part at the beginning of the song~Goshhhh....she is so sexy!!! Love her clothes. And her hair too......

Shine and Somebody To Love

They are totally memaluii especially during "Shine"........^o^

Summer Dream

The ending dance moves totally cracked me up ^o^

"Dolphinnnnn....Show me ur butt" EU KYANG KYANG ^o^

Love In The Ice

The first part already caught me!!!!
I prefer the Japanese version compare to the Korean version~

Kiss Shita Mama Sayonara

Junsu's part at the beginning of the chorus, Changmin's high note and JaeJoong's ending......What more can I say.......PERFECTTO!!!!

Aduiiii....patah jari ehhhh.....

Now I am patiently waiting for their "The 3rd Asia Tour Mirotic" album. Batahhhhh....Batahhhhhhh

My PS, Chemistry and Geography Buddy......

Continued from my previous post....

Nabilah also transferred me some photos which were taken, mostly from our PS period last year. At that time, I haven't got my mobile yet so quite relieved that our precious moment was captured. Other than her, Lulu, Akim and Safwan were also in the same PS period with us. Oh, the photo is not so clear because I enlarged it.

She also transferred me some videos which were taken in Chemistry lab, when Ms Tan didn't teach us on that day but I didn't want to upload them here. WHY??? We were totally memaluiii masa atu~Demam Boys Over Flowers kajun~

I really miss that moment so much.........:'(

Reunion With Ripas Gang

Me and Lulu planned to meet our friend from Ripas at Express. It was more like a reunion and to release our tension too. We should met exactly at 9am but due to an unavoidable reason, the Ripas's princess arrive an hour later. To our surprise, Pikah and her sister together with Nisah's sister also joined us~
We makan2, exchanged our news, asking for others opinions and most importantly, giving the TVXQ's videos to Nabilah. Ahernya~!!!!!!!! Hmmm....I was quite surprised with her recent news too~Sabar k~
And brutah aku tau yg d-Express nada WiFi~Hish hish hish.....

Before we ended our meeting, kaching kaching first~Syng Lulu balik awal~Huhuhuhu......

When I arrived at home, aduiiiii....trasa rindu plng balik rh durng~Hehehehehehe......Sabar Atik....Sabar~

Anyway, I added my collection again.....Wuahahahahahaha *Evil Laugh* I bought "Tohoshinki 3rd Live Tour 2008~T~" Kekekekekeke.........

*Kira2 pkai jari* Wow......I managed to collect 6 of their DVDs!!!!! \(^_^)/

Batah jua yg "The 3rd Asia Tour Mirotic" atu smpai aA......Antah, kapal layar apakh yg durng pkai ntuk mengantar kemari atu~Jgn2 yg tyme Antonia Pigafetta atu x.....LOLs


Tampar tia x ehhhhh.....Jgn th d-bgi surat wah mun nda mau terima.
Mengamah jua bnr~

I lost my source of confidence......

God.......Once again, I lost my source of confidence.....

I really really felt down!!!!!!!!

The difference between my dad and my mom.

My dad knows N.O.T.H.I.N.G


My mom knows E.V.E.R.Y.T.H.I.N.G

WHAT A PERFECT HUSBAND AND WIFE THEY ARE!!! Hahahaha...... Aduiii.....paning ehhhhhh~

Is this my only chance??

Is this my only chance??? Amin jua lah~

Inactivate my Friendster again~

I inactivate my Friendster again for the "don't-know-how-many" times. But just for temporary only. Yup yup yup....Busy busy busy.... But I'll promise to contact them again~ Please wait for me!!!!!

How do I feel today???




The truth is revealed~

Thanks to Yun for asking that question. I did explain to her but I think it is too complicated for her to understand. Don't worry Yun, feeling saja tuh~Not yet confirm. Yup...just like what she has mentioned, I am still in doubt about the course. Hehe...Don't want to lie~

Ok....WHEN IS THAT DAMN RESULT GOING TO COME OUT?!?!?! Belangui ku nunggu neh~

Miracle approached me!!!!!

Yup.....miracle approached me!!!
I check in my FB this morning and noticed that someone has added me. Due to only one mutual friend, I went to her profile, checking for her photo but I found NON!!! I was planning to ignore her at first but by looking at her name (Somehow I was familiar with her name) and looking at her date of birth (I am also familiar with that date too), I decided to "confirm" her anyway~
Then, I checked in my inbox and realised that person has sent me a message asking for some....info from me and THAT IS!!!! She is my long lost bestfriend!!!

Her name is Nurafiqah. I became friend with her when I moved to Tutong Kem in Primary 6. We were in the same class, 6A. I don't know how I could become closer with her. No reason!!! Jodoh x aA....At that time, people started to confuse with our names because she is Pikah while I am Tikah so.....it sounded almost the same. And confusing too~Haha...So funny~
Then, we continued our friendship to Form 1 in Sufri Bolkiah, even though we were not in the same class anymore. Unfortunately, she has transferred to other school the next year. We didn't have our official "Goodbye" and we didn't even have our pictures together~

She did give me her phone number but I LOST it!!!! So careless~

I did try to search for her father's name in the phone book but there are TOO many people who have the same name as her father!!!! So.....Not a successful plan!!!
I created my accounts in Friendster and Facebook and I even typed her full name in order to find her, but most of it were Malaysian~So.....Again....Not successful!!!!
FINALLY.....HAHA....I FOUND HER. Well, she is the one who found me first!! I can't believe that she is also searching for me for all this while. Oh my god....I thought I am the only one who did that. Well....thanks to Facebook~I love you Facebook!!!!

We exchanged our news and....YUP....Time has passed by so fast. We have changed so much. I really miss our moments together. The time when both of us just turned into teenagers. The time when we exchanged our secrets. The time when I started to encounter the experience of admiring someone and being admired. The time when I started to widen my social life.....Fuhhh...really miss that moment though~
She didn't change much though in terms of look. She still has the same look as I could remember. Well, instead I am the one who change a lot~Haha....

Ok....We still have lots to catch up between each other!!!!

Oh....This is my description about her in my Friendster!!!! I think I should delete this description after this~ Well....better not!! Just let it be there forever~

Pikah also suggested us to meet someday. Hmmm.....I didn't put too much hope though~I don't know.....My silly feeling nowadays....and time constrains too~But hopefully, ada rezeki lh kn bejumpa~

Haha...really miss her!!! Does anyone want to put our story in "Menjejak Kasih"?? Anyone?? LOLs....

3 Idiots

3 Idiots Preview

Rebel with a cause

What is education? Is it mere securing of good grades and mugging up books? Are those who swot day and night and follow the study curriculum mechanically the ideal pupils? Does the entire burden of education leave any room for original thought?


Two friends embark on a quest for a lost buddy. On this journey they encounter a long forgotten bet, a wedding they must crash and a funeral that goes impossibly out of control.

As they make their way through the perilous landscape, another journey begins: their inner journey through memory lane and the story of their friend–the irrepressible free- thinker Rancho(Aamir Khan), who in his unique way, touches and changes their lives.

It is a story of their hostel days that swings between Rancho college romance with the spirited Pia (Kareena), and his clash with an oppressive mentor (Boman Irani).

Finally, in misty mountains of unparalleled beauty, the friends (R Madhavan and Sharman Joshi) find the key to the secret that they seek.

My POV :

I would like to say that I DIDN'T feel any regret, buying this DVD!!!! Full of funny scenes, approachable messages about friendship, education and family.....I rated this movie 8 out of 10!!! Thank God that the movie doesn't focus TOO much on the love scene. WHY??? Because I didn't update myself on Bollywood movies quite a long time so my perception about their love scene might have fallen under "Cliche" level. In order to upgrade my perception at this moment, I have to keep updating myself in Bollywood movies (Which is what I have to do after this.....Hopefully~No promise....). And thank goodness that they doesn't include many songs.....so far...I remembered there are only 3 songs in the movie~

Hmmm....A complain please??? Why is Kareena Kapoor being casted in this movie?? I REALLY hate her!!!!

Can't believe that Aamir Khan still looks young.....when I looked at him from afar~When I looked closely, okkkkkk.........he do experience aging!!! Haha....He is also a human being, remember??? Can't avoid the aging process too~
I think I need to keep update about Aamir Khan also (Besides Shahrukh Khan~). Salman Khan?? Naaa.....I REALLY don't like him~
The last time I watched Aamir Khan's movie was.....ISHQ??? Can't remember though~

Anyway, just like what Rancho have said......"If something bad happen to you....Don't panic, stay calm and stay positive. Say to your heart that everything is going to be alright!!! Aal Izz Well....Aal Izz Well....Aal Izz Well...."Yeah....a little bit silly but sometimes.....you really need to comfort yourself when you are facing some difficult situations, am I right???

A lesson for me : Somehow I get the message in terms of education but......I have to admit that I study in order to find a job!!!! Not for knowledge!!! Fuhhhh.....But, it is really a GOOD message anyway~

Oh.....I watched their BTS also and WOW.....Can't believe that the filming would be that difficult!!! Cobaan tah bnr~

About Me

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Random pictures
Random stories
Random "Heart-to-Heart" session

When no one understand me, that is when this blog being a great help :-)