Vivi's visit to Wales (Part 2)

Day 5 (08/05/2011) Sunday

We have became Utod of the day. Hohoho....
We slept, we ate, we watched movies
That is what Utod is all about xP

I know the picture above is not Utod.
Aku gali yo!

Day 6 (09/05/2011) Monday

Plan for that: Lunch at
Ivory Tiger and measure the wideness of Cardiff City (Direct translation)

We kind of late going to Ivory Tiger. Like almost 1PM. Terribly hungry like a starving tiger.
Mentang2lah kan makan buffet :-P

My first time to Ivory Tiger. And the price is quite cheap
. £7.90 per person.

We spent 2 hours in that restaurant. Ughhh....we couldn't break our old record for spending 4 and a half hours in Bradford Buffet during our last winter break =="

And not to mention that we were kind of sick, eating the same Indian, Arabic, Thailand and Chinese cuisine =="

After lunch, we went for a mission. It's Vivi's mission actually. However, by the end of the day, she couldn't find what she wanted.
Tanggal kaki adalah~

For dinner, we cooked mee tiaw goreng with chicken nugget.
Not bad walaupun hantam2 saja :)

Day 7 (10/05/2011) Tuesday

We went to Barry Island. This was my first time too. I supposed to go there with the Cranbrook Street and Gordon Road's girls but we have to cancel it due to the Salam Brunei's rehearsal.

We were surprised by how Barry Island looks like. It took an hour to reach there and considering that the place is located down the end of Wales, you can predict it easily. Yup, really deserted, really quiet. As if there is no one living there. And we were disappointed that the only theme park in that place has closed =="
Iski sudah tuh kan main~

What do we find there?? THE B.E.A.C.H!!!!

Oh, there are mini theme park too(like the pirate ship in a small version), the food stalls, the small shops and the casino shops.

Mun summer, siuk jua dapat main pantai. Ane spring yo! Kajar2 badan kesajukkan~

There was a funny story happened on that day. Auntie Yanoi called me, asking why did I ring to her phone? I said "Yo, mana ada aku telipun Auntie". Then she asked again "Iyawah??" LOL!!!!
Tpi mun bukan aku, siapa tah yg telipun Auntie tuh tadi aA??? Hmmmm.....

Vivi and I then have our lunch at some sort of Western food stall.
Down to earth makanan kami ari ane ;)

I ordered chips with gravy.
Sodapppp!!!! Tekana lapar atu bah barangkali xP

Then, we went to the one of the cliffs there and it was much more worst then the beach. It was like, only the two of us were on that cliff!!!!!

Panic moment we encountered when we didn't realise that there were 4 Indian guys behind us while we were having fun taking pictures. And they even made that "miow miow" sound!!!!

Apalagi....LANGKAH SERIBU LAH!!!! Tuhan saja yg tau apa yg kami rasa!!
Shit to the Indian guys!!!!!

After we clearly sure that we were safe and because it was still early, Vivi took the chance to try at the casino shop. Unfortunately, satu pun nda kana. Tekluar plg biji mata meliat usinnya xP.

Then, we headed home :)

Yeah, Barry Island is boring! Macam menyasal pun ada jua~I wondered how Swansea would be like?

Day 8 (11/05/2011) Wednesday

Ohayo Gozaimasu =)

Plan for the day: To Zushi to ambush all the sushi there ^^

Once again, we were late going to Zushi. I'm the one who caused the lateness :(

And we were right on time because there was an offer of "
5 plates of any colour for just £4.50". Apalagi....rembatlah!!! xP

Quite unlucky for us when the manager of that restaurant have been working in Brunei so he was like, telling and asking us all the development that Brunei has achieved so far. A bit uncomfortable when facing that kind of situation actually. Especially if you are in foreign country =="

LOL! What a bad pose!!! xP

Vivi's noodle!

A satisfying expression from me!

The outcome!
I managed to eat 17 plates altogether which cost about

Look at the plates! *Show off* xP

Then, we headed home. We were sick already of the Cardiff City *With a sarcastic tone* Hoho....

Day 9 (12/05/2011) Thursday

Huhuhuhu......It's time for a short goodbye :(
Vivi's National Express left at 11AM.
Till then Vivi. See you at Brunei.
Thank you so much for your visit!
Hopefully your final year result turn out with a flying colour.


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