Majlis Junjung Ziarah on 1st May

Alhamdulillah, I felt grateful for having the chance to attend this event.

A day before that, me and Sarinah kind of malas berabis kn dtg. Banar2 kami nada mood. It is because our exam is on the next Tuesday plus I have an assignment due on the same day. I haven't start the assignment anyway. Pandaikan??

As usual, apa2 sja activity yg kluar dri Glamorgan, hmmm.....rah rumah durng Kaka Micha tah tmpat ntuk kami Sarinah menyamak tuh :-P

On the actual day, the coach driver was late for picking us up. Like.....30 minutes late. In the end, we managed to arrive at the venue 15 minutes before the registration closed =="

The venue is at Hilton Hotel London.

After registration, my eyes only focused searching for Amal. Indeed, I only aimed to be with Amal on the actual day.

We met Siew Ying, Chia Yi and Chia Wei =)

With Dayang Nisah =)
Ughhh....hate my tudung!!!!

During the doa, well.....guilt, pressure, hope, regret kind of feeling all mixed up. Apa2 pun, AMIN!!

The event finished at 5.30PM. To be exact, we were QUARANTINED until 5.30PM. Felt sorry seeing all the girls complained sakit kaki. Thank goodness I don't have high heel :) Tapi tatap jua sakit kaki ulehnya =="

I was not satisfied that there was no food left for us!!!!!!! =="

And I was shocked seeing how the students took picture with the royal family. I mean.....well, kesian bah meliat the royal family :(

Finally, we went back and arrived at Cardiff around 9.??PM. And kami Sarinah have to call a cab to go back to Pontypridd.
Hmmm....I don't know who to blame though. The event or the exam or myself psl inda prepare dri awal ?_?

Daulat Kebawah Duli Tuan Patik
Thanks for everything


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