49 Days

The 4th drama I streamed after Secret Garden, Paradise Ranch and Dream High.

Shin Ji Hyun was enjoying absolute bliss as she was about to marry her fiancé, Kang Min Ho, but her perfect life is shattered when she gets into a car accident that leaves her in a coma. She is given a second chance at life by a reaper, but it comes with a condition: she has to find three people outside of her family who would cry genuine tears for her. In order to do this, she borrows the body of Yi Kyung, a part-time employee at a convenience store for 49 days.

A complex storyline but triggering.

I like:

~Song Yi Kyung (Whose body has been borrowed by Shin Ji Hyun)
~Han Kang (The admirer of Shin Ji Hyun)
~Kang Min Ho (Shin Ji Hyun's fiancee)
~The Angel Of Death

Best Part

Firstly, when Han Kang took care of Song Yi Kyung without even realised that she is actually Shin Ji Hyun.

Secondly, when Kang Min Ho fall in love with Song Yi Kyung without realising that he is falling in love with his own fiancee. Well, I think this is the best part compared to Han Kang's part.

Because the evil character has finally filled his heart with
Love his expression, especially the way he delivered it through his eyes. Hehe....I'm being a pro here~Unfortunately, that moment didn't last long :(

The Boo Part

Why do Shin Ji Hyun has to die after she conscious only for a week?
Why? Why?
Pedah saja ea struggling mencri 3 drops of pure tears atu!

And why does the scriptwriter make Shin Ji Hyun and Song Yi Kyung as sibling in the end?
I mean,


I know I spoil the drama. Hehe.......
But this is still a great drama to be watched.
Nda rugi yo nda rugi!
Except for the ENDING! @#$%^&*()
I give this drama 8/10


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