Vivi's visit to Wales (Part 1)

Thanks to Vivi for her visit ^_^ At least it can replace my disappointment when Amal has to cancel her visit during Easter. Next winter break, she MUST FULFILL HER PROMISE!! *Glaring* :-P

Day 1 (04/05/2011) Wednesday

Felt so sorry to Vivi. On that day, I have an assignment to hand in, plus I did a last minute shopping to buy some pillows for her. So I was kind of late to pick her up at Cardiff Central Bus Station. It was like.....more than half an hour late (She arrived at 5.30PM). Truly sorry (;_;) She has a long journey today. 8 hours in the coach. I can imagine how tiring it is.

The funny part was, we were '
lost in the train'. I was soooooo confident that we got in the wrong train, while actually the train that we got in was the right train. God Atikah!!!! Choose the correct seat next time, will you??

After having a little bit of chit chat, we cooked our dinner together for the first time. Our is not that bad, considered how weak both of us in terms of cooking :-P Vivi was the chef on that day ^_^

Nasi goreng, udang masak merah and crab stick soup (Pictures below)

Day 2 (05/05/2011) Thursday

Another hilarious moment!

We planned to have
Nandos for lunch at Nantgarw. So we took a bus no. 132, thinking of the bus might bring us to the exact place. Well, we did ask the driver though!! While we were in the bus, both of us observed the transition of the road, and the surrounding too. It was like, from a small road then lead us to a major road (with a number of buses and cars on the road). At that moment, both of us realised that we were already arrived at the city, not Nantgarw!!

Ok, I don't know who's fault is that, whether it's my fault or the driver's fault. It's true that the no.132 bus is going to Cardiff but hey, at least he should stop at Nantgarw, won't he? Not just passing by!!

Ok.....a little bit of emotional in the last paragraph :-P

Thank goodness that there is
Nandos at the city. And thank goodness too that me and Vivi are non-muslim. Because the Nandos that we went is the non-halal Nandos :-P

Lesson on that day:
Take bus no.10 if you are thinking to eat Nandos at Nantgarw!!! Not the no.132 bus!!! :-P

Found my new addiction *Too exaggerate statement*
The peri-peri chips are
AWESOME!!!!! ^_^

Vivi's order.
It's mostly salad.

Oh, the waiter is cute too *Overrrrr* ^_^

Day 3 (06/05/2011) Friday

We have our English breakfast at
The Prince. wish has come true ^_^
I have been wanting to have an English breakfast for so long. The problem is that no one can accompany me. For sure, I don't want to be looked like a lonely customer =="

Vivi's English tea (??)

Vivi's order.
Lamb burger, I think.

My order =)
Chicken burger with hot chocolate.
The picture doesn't give a pleasant view actually =="

Next destination
Cardiff Castle!

The entrance ticket is £12 per person with a guide.
Totally different price from what Imah has told me~

This is the tour guide.
Thanks to him for making this tour interesting =)
Worth it.

I want the doll house =)

Weird bed.
Very small.
Even me myself won't fit in, I think.

Love the bath tub.
Well, I like the bath room.
Awesome. And unique.

The water fountain without the water ^_^

"Remember, the first son would be named as John"
"Aye aye Sir" ;-)

We finished the whole tour 2 to 3 hours later.
At first, we thought we would take hour to finish off the tour.
Can't believe the castle is so massive, from my point of view, because this is my first visit to a castle.

Oh, there was a wedding ceremony held at Cardiff Castle on that day but....we only got to see the bride went out from the car =="

Have our late lunch at
Wok To Walk.



Day 4 (07/05/2011) Saturday

Off to Cardiff Bay :) My second time visit :) And this time, we went there via train :)

Quite satisfied with Vivi's visit this time. Why?? Because I tend to try something new with her :D
We hopped into the Cardiff Bay boat which cost us £3 for a single journey to Penarth.

Can't you feel the different atmosphere from the pictures?

Actually, the housing looked fantastic when you look at it yourself but.....blame the pictures please :-P

Since it is a single journey so both of us have to walk by ourselves from Penarth to Cardiff Bay. It took us like 30 to 45mins. It's a great experience for exercising too.

On our way, we created some poems about.....Naaaa....the two of us were just killing the time :)

Reached Cardiff Bay again (Pictures below)

Sasapun Spicy Root.
It's quite expensive for dinner =="
At last, we decided to cook at home.

Another story when we were heading home.
We took the wrong train once again, which brought us to an unfamiliar place I have never been.
Memang pndai. Rah Wales pun buleh sasat.
My mistake actually.
And we were like....trying to figure it out on how to avoid the train's conductor. For sure, we don't want to pay for another ticket =="

Hmm....will tell you the whole story instead of writing it here. Please remind me :)


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