What a disrespectful person he is!

I have never met a very disrespectful person as he is!
Banar tahhh!
Tuhan saja yang tau bah macam mana rasanya!
Ea pikir kami ane tinggal FREE kali!
Kami pun ikut membayar jua kali ah!
Membawa urang sesuka hati!
Ea pikir kami ane suka kali tinggal sama stranger!
Mem-bribe urang dengan makanan numbur satu!

Awas ea. Ada hari ku balas tuh. Jangan pikir ea saja yang buleh buat sesuka hati.
Bersabar tah aku ane untuk 10bulan. 
Lapas atu, buleh blahh lahhhhh!

Untuk kali ke dua

I supposed to go to Aini's house tomorrow (Monday) because she promised me to make her masterpiece menu which is Kimchi Stew. Both of us has planned this like a week ago and I think it is actually my fault for not telling my mom earlier.

My mom didn't allow me and her reason was kind of nonsense to me. I know that the tarikh keramat is approaching slowly and I haven't done the packing yet or finished listing all stuffs that I want to bring.  Nevertheless, I actually want my mom to give me her understanding that I want to spend my time with one of my precious friends before I leave.

Aini is the only friend that knew bits and pieces of my story when I proceeded my study to  Glamorgan. I don't think I have told Amal the complete story. Apatah lagi durang Yun, Sharl, Zirah, Asmaa, Maziah or Fai. Langsung nada tuh~And me myself believe that they didn't want to hear it either. We prefer to update our story ^_^

And "Go To Your Dreamland Atikah"! 

My mom's reason was more towards "Daripada kau bejumpa kawanmu, baiktah kau uruskan segala urusanmu atu sebelum kau trabang!"

It was hurt when I listened to it. And the after effect caused me crying. A bit. What else do I need to add in?? I MISS HANGOUT WITH MY FRIENDS! Is it enough already??

I know what my mom is trying to say. "Biarkan tah kau besusah-susah dulu asalkan kau dapat hasil kejayaannya di kemudian ari" I know mom. I am completely understand! Tapi apa jua buleh buatkan. Rasa jua diri ane kan becerita ketawa begila sama kawan2!

Kan marah2 arah mama, nada jua gunanya~Sadar jua ku keadaan diri atu macam mana!

Duhai hati, bersabarlah seketika. 
A good friend will never leave you, remember??


Missing you dear friends! Berabis!

Felt offended

Well, slightly offended.

A person has given me some advices on how to socialize, communicate, make friends and 'what-a-must-to-do' to spend my time in UK. I don't know where it went wrong. I mean, maybe the way I told her my story was kind of boring but I really really REALLY felt offended the way she advised me. She just heard stories from the others, NOT and NEVER experiencing it!

For a girl who has spent five years in a girl school who always hang out with her girlfriends and who doesn't has many guy friends, the term 'socialize' take a great courage for that girl to grab or take her first step. Nevertheless, she is talking about British guy, not an ordinary Bruneian guy!

I know. Wherever we go, wherever we are, we can't avoid the nature?? of socializing! But hey, I'm trying my best to cope with my surrounding here. I don't want to become a loner TOO!

Fluency of speaking, how interesting the story is and etc (Can't think of any) are what I think might hold me back!

On the other hand,
I would like to say thank you to that person for helping me out to get rid of some cloudy?? in my head about my future career. A bit though! I'm quite relieved actually.

I'm not that evil too. Quite offended in the first place but it felt great when she touched on my career. And hopefully, I can make changes in the future. Hoping for the best!

A Reminder

From Facebook:

"Allah tidak akan menguji hamba-Nya di luar batasan kemampuan hamba itu sendiri"

Is that true?

If that is the case,
I'm sorry!
Aku alpa!

Pokok - Meet Uncle Hussain Feat. Hazama


I really don't know the reason why Meet Uncle Hussain is so famous, especially among the Facebookers (?_?) Thanks to "Pokok", I finally KNEW!

Awesome song with an outstanding lyrics!

Piggy Dolls - That Girl I Knew

A very appealing cuteness.

Glad that they changed their music style.
I am not a fan of their previous single.

Amused by their weight loss.
Di mana ada kemahuan di situ ada jalan.

And glad they didn't loss their voices.

Don't accuse me for judging someone based on their physical appearances!

I still appreciate her!

A really beautiful girl and my first friend I've made in UK. Humbly, I am really really grateful that she wants to be my friend when I first arrived in UK. Considering who am I, what I have, how interesting am I as a person, I am really really thank her so much.

As time goes by, I did realise that she is not quite determined in her study. I mean, she took things for granted! Sorry to say. And in the first quarter of this year, I have made a big decision which I don't normally take towards a person. I cut off my communication with her, I deleted her number, I made my Facebook private to her, due to she DISAPPOINTED me!

And guess what, I encountered her Facebook status just now, telling how badly she wants her parents to understand her decision in doing a new course that she wants to take for this coming September.

From Civil Engineering to Fashion Promotion: A TOTALLY 180 DEGREES DIFFERENT COURSE!

I commented her status, telling her how relief I am to know that. I knew her not quite long but I knew her interest really well.

As someone who perhaps she still considered as a friend, I would say, I am really really appreciate her decision. I don't want her to gave up her study like that! Everyone has the future and so does she!

And I guess I am not that evil either! Hahaha....memuji diri sendiri tah banar :-P


Pergi Tak Kembali

A sudden loss of an awesome senior, Abdul Nahqim.

My former MPP senior, the president of Geography Club 2008, a person who I kept in touch with through Facebook when I'm in UK and lastly, an easy going person to hangout with~

I first saw him during our L6 orientation. My first impression of him:
Weird jua gaya Senior ane becakap~When I was selected as the assistant secretary of Geography Club during L6, thanks to him. All of our activities throughout the year went successful, when compared to U6.

I became close to him when I continued my study in UK. There is no '
galat' word between us when we kept in 'menyampuk' to each others Facebook.

Stranded during winter break, my visit to Canterbury, exams etc are some of the topics we talked about.

My first time met him in UK was when he attended the Salam Brunei event.

The second time I met and talked to him was when we both went back to Brunei!


 I never called him by name or 'kau'. I called him by 'Senior'. I really don't know why!

29th June 2011 (Wednesday)
I can't believe that was the day you were gone

Abdul Nahqim
Al-Fatihah to you
You are such a great senior and a great person
Semoga rohmu ditempatkan di kalangan orang-orang yang beriman

Going through my life as if I have only a day to live!

Mei-chan no Shitsuji

Note: About 49 Days review, I finished watching that drama about a week ago so don't expect me to finish this drama so quick.

First of all, I wished to ask the manga writer (Whatever they are called),


I searched on Wiki and definitely, whatever they illustrated on the manga is not what is actually meant! Didn't mean to be rude but as I continued with the drama, I can't help from questioning like "Is that servant really exist in a real world?" He slept in the same room with his boss and I was like "What is that?" Duhhh!!

I know it is only a drama but I wish they could change the title from butler to what-is-supposed-to-be.

Ok, enough with talking. Let's proceed.

The story revolves around a young woman named Mei, who was rescued as a young girl by someone calling himself her "butler." With only a vague memory, though, the experience seems like just a dream. But one day, after her parents' accidental death, he appears: Rihito comes from a line of outstanding butlers, and he has been appointed to serve her! Now her ordinary life has completely flipped, as she discovers that she's actually the heiress to a fortune, and is forced to transfer to St. Lucia Girls' Academy, where all the students have butlers! As a result, her childhood friend Kento decides to enroll in a butler school so that he can stay close to her.

1. The actress taking Mei-Chan's role is so big! I mean, she is very tall compared to the actresses there. 170cm!!! Wow!!!

2. I wished they kept her long hair :( She looks fat with short hair.

3. Argghhhh......she's the one who act with Matsumoto Jun, the movie where the fraternal twins fall in love with each other! Another Argghhhhhhhhh!!! Patutlah mcm pernah liat~

4. I have to admit that Hiro Mizushima looks dashing in his suit. He is not my favourite in Hana Kimi actually ==" I guess he is successful in bringing his role which force made me to say that :D

5. Seems like some of the casts are from Hana Kimi (I miss Hana Kimi~).

6. Some of the butlers are yummy too. LOL xP

Lastly, I never read the manga before and the review is what I think of so, please don't bash me. Thank you :)

49 Days

The 4th drama I streamed after Secret Garden, Paradise Ranch and Dream High.

Shin Ji Hyun was enjoying absolute bliss as she was about to marry her fiancé, Kang Min Ho, but her perfect life is shattered when she gets into a car accident that leaves her in a coma. She is given a second chance at life by a reaper, but it comes with a condition: she has to find three people outside of her family who would cry genuine tears for her. In order to do this, she borrows the body of Yi Kyung, a part-time employee at a convenience store for 49 days.

A complex storyline but triggering.

I like:

~Song Yi Kyung (Whose body has been borrowed by Shin Ji Hyun)
~Han Kang (The admirer of Shin Ji Hyun)
~Kang Min Ho (Shin Ji Hyun's fiancee)
~The Angel Of Death

Best Part

Firstly, when Han Kang took care of Song Yi Kyung without even realised that she is actually Shin Ji Hyun.

Secondly, when Kang Min Ho fall in love with Song Yi Kyung without realising that he is falling in love with his own fiancee. Well, I think this is the best part compared to Han Kang's part.

Because the evil character has finally filled his heart with
Love his expression, especially the way he delivered it through his eyes. Hehe....I'm being a pro here~Unfortunately, that moment didn't last long :(

The Boo Part

Why do Shin Ji Hyun has to die after she conscious only for a week?
Why? Why?
Pedah saja ea struggling mencri 3 drops of pure tears atu!

And why does the scriptwriter make Shin Ji Hyun and Song Yi Kyung as sibling in the end?
I mean,


I know I spoil the drama. Hehe.......
But this is still a great drama to be watched.
Nda rugi yo nda rugi!
Except for the ENDING! @#$%^&*()
I give this drama 8/10

And that is the end

Today is the end of my course!

Just imagine how does it feel when your housemate are in their holiday mode while you have to go through another week to finish up your course?

Pretty jealous, pretty suck and pretty lazy too.

And the 3 days surveying field were.....terrible!
1st day, I was ok. I did fine!
2nd day, I didn't talk much. I was invisible in the class!
3rd day, which was today, I depend too much on my group mate!
Because I know nothing about surveying. That is why!

Anyway, I need to re-doing my schedule before 10th June come.
Got lots to buy before I head home.
Brunei, how I miss you so much!

My new addiction in my list

Chips with gravy.
Nyaman gila yo!!!
I add with Peri-peri sauce.
Tambah tah lagi nyaman!

Awu....meleleh jua aing liur kepadasan ulehnya :-P

And thanks to that person. I hope you are puas hati meliat aku terpksa menapau!
Awu......aku pun nada liur dah kn memakai segala barang2mu d-dapur atu!

Enough with the talking.
Bon Appetit everyone ^_^

A reverse feeling!

I have finished my last paper today but there is an unease feeling inside me. I guess you as the reader knew what is the meaning behind these!

I have rated my paper and this is how it goes (From peanuts to hell)
1. Materials for Engineering
2. Mechanical Science 2
3. Construction Practice 1

I wished to tell you guys how I feel at this right moment!!
Hmmm.....a very stressful Atikah!

Dear God, give your mercy on me!
I really don't want to resit for this summer!

Exam paper is over!
And CAD coursework + 3 days of surveying field course is waiting for me!


Childish act!

A very childish act!
I am very disappointed with you!

Mee Tiaw with Chicken Nugget + Peri-peri sauce

Peri-peri sauce!!!!
Hoho...aku angkut bakul~

Vivi's visit to Wales (Part 2)

Day 5 (08/05/2011) Sunday

We have became Utod of the day. Hohoho....
We slept, we ate, we watched movies
That is what Utod is all about xP

I know the picture above is not Utod.
Aku gali yo!

Day 6 (09/05/2011) Monday

Plan for that: Lunch at
Ivory Tiger and measure the wideness of Cardiff City (Direct translation)

We kind of late going to Ivory Tiger. Like almost 1PM. Terribly hungry like a starving tiger.
Mentang2lah kan makan buffet :-P

My first time to Ivory Tiger. And the price is quite cheap
. £7.90 per person.

We spent 2 hours in that restaurant. Ughhh....we couldn't break our old record for spending 4 and a half hours in Bradford Buffet during our last winter break =="

And not to mention that we were kind of sick, eating the same Indian, Arabic, Thailand and Chinese cuisine =="

After lunch, we went for a mission. It's Vivi's mission actually. However, by the end of the day, she couldn't find what she wanted.
Tanggal kaki adalah~

For dinner, we cooked mee tiaw goreng with chicken nugget.
Not bad walaupun hantam2 saja :)

Day 7 (10/05/2011) Tuesday

We went to Barry Island. This was my first time too. I supposed to go there with the Cranbrook Street and Gordon Road's girls but we have to cancel it due to the Salam Brunei's rehearsal.

We were surprised by how Barry Island looks like. It took an hour to reach there and considering that the place is located down the end of Wales, you can predict it easily. Yup, really deserted, really quiet. As if there is no one living there. And we were disappointed that the only theme park in that place has closed =="
Iski sudah tuh kan main~

What do we find there?? THE B.E.A.C.H!!!!

Oh, there are mini theme park too(like the pirate ship in a small version), the food stalls, the small shops and the casino shops.

Mun summer, siuk jua dapat main pantai. Ane spring yo! Kajar2 badan kesajukkan~

There was a funny story happened on that day. Auntie Yanoi called me, asking why did I ring to her phone? I said "Yo, mana ada aku telipun Auntie". Then she asked again "Iyawah??" LOL!!!!
Tpi mun bukan aku, siapa tah yg telipun Auntie tuh tadi aA??? Hmmmm.....

Vivi and I then have our lunch at some sort of Western food stall.
Down to earth makanan kami ari ane ;)

I ordered chips with gravy.
Sodapppp!!!! Tekana lapar atu bah barangkali xP

Then, we went to the one of the cliffs there and it was much more worst then the beach. It was like, only the two of us were on that cliff!!!!!

Panic moment we encountered when we didn't realise that there were 4 Indian guys behind us while we were having fun taking pictures. And they even made that "miow miow" sound!!!!

Apalagi....LANGKAH SERIBU LAH!!!! Tuhan saja yg tau apa yg kami rasa!!
Shit to the Indian guys!!!!!

After we clearly sure that we were safe and because it was still early, Vivi took the chance to try at the casino shop. Unfortunately, satu pun nda kana. Tekluar plg biji mata meliat usinnya xP.

Then, we headed home :)

Yeah, Barry Island is boring! Macam menyasal pun ada jua~I wondered how Swansea would be like?

Day 8 (11/05/2011) Wednesday

Ohayo Gozaimasu =)

Plan for the day: To Zushi to ambush all the sushi there ^^

Once again, we were late going to Zushi. I'm the one who caused the lateness :(

And we were right on time because there was an offer of "
5 plates of any colour for just £4.50". Apalagi....rembatlah!!! xP

Quite unlucky for us when the manager of that restaurant have been working in Brunei so he was like, telling and asking us all the development that Brunei has achieved so far. A bit uncomfortable when facing that kind of situation actually. Especially if you are in foreign country =="

LOL! What a bad pose!!! xP

Vivi's noodle!

A satisfying expression from me!

The outcome!
I managed to eat 17 plates altogether which cost about

Look at the plates! *Show off* xP

Then, we headed home. We were sick already of the Cardiff City *With a sarcastic tone* Hoho....

Day 9 (12/05/2011) Thursday

Huhuhuhu......It's time for a short goodbye :(
Vivi's National Express left at 11AM.
Till then Vivi. See you at Brunei.
Thank you so much for your visit!
Hopefully your final year result turn out with a flying colour.

Vivi's visit to Wales (Part 1)

Thanks to Vivi for her visit ^_^ At least it can replace my disappointment when Amal has to cancel her visit during Easter. Next winter break, she MUST FULFILL HER PROMISE!! *Glaring* :-P

Day 1 (04/05/2011) Wednesday

Felt so sorry to Vivi. On that day, I have an assignment to hand in, plus I did a last minute shopping to buy some pillows for her. So I was kind of late to pick her up at Cardiff Central Bus Station. It was like.....more than half an hour late (She arrived at 5.30PM). Truly sorry (;_;) She has a long journey today. 8 hours in the coach. I can imagine how tiring it is.

The funny part was, we were '
lost in the train'. I was soooooo confident that we got in the wrong train, while actually the train that we got in was the right train. God Atikah!!!! Choose the correct seat next time, will you??

After having a little bit of chit chat, we cooked our dinner together for the first time. Our menu.....it is not that bad, considered how weak both of us in terms of cooking :-P Vivi was the chef on that day ^_^

Nasi goreng, udang masak merah and crab stick soup (Pictures below)

Day 2 (05/05/2011) Thursday

Another hilarious moment!

We planned to have
Nandos for lunch at Nantgarw. So we took a bus no. 132, thinking of the bus might bring us to the exact place. Well, we did ask the driver though!! While we were in the bus, both of us observed the transition of the road, and the surrounding too. It was like, from a small road then lead us to a major road (with a number of buses and cars on the road). At that moment, both of us realised that we were already arrived at the city, not Nantgarw!!

Ok, I don't know who's fault is that, whether it's my fault or the driver's fault. It's true that the no.132 bus is going to Cardiff but hey, at least he should stop at Nantgarw, won't he? Not just passing by!!

Ok.....a little bit of emotional in the last paragraph :-P

Thank goodness that there is
Nandos at the city. And thank goodness too that me and Vivi are non-muslim. Because the Nandos that we went is the non-halal Nandos :-P

Lesson on that day:
Take bus no.10 if you are thinking to eat Nandos at Nantgarw!!! Not the no.132 bus!!! :-P

Found my new addiction *Too exaggerate statement*
The peri-peri chips are
AWESOME!!!!! ^_^

Vivi's order.
It's mostly salad.

Oh, the waiter is cute too *Overrrrr* ^_^

Day 3 (06/05/2011) Friday

We have our English breakfast at
The Prince. Finallyyyyyy.....my wish has come true ^_^
I have been wanting to have an English breakfast for so long. The problem is that no one can accompany me. For sure, I don't want to be looked like a lonely customer =="

Vivi's English tea (??)

Vivi's order.
Lamb burger, I think.

My order =)
Chicken burger with hot chocolate.
The picture doesn't give a pleasant view actually =="

Next destination
Cardiff Castle!

The entrance ticket is £12 per person with a guide.
Totally different price from what Imah has told me~

This is the tour guide.
Thanks to him for making this tour interesting =)
Worth it.

I want the doll house =)

Weird bed.
Very small.
Even me myself won't fit in, I think.

Love the bath tub.
Well, I like the bath room.
Awesome. And unique.

The water fountain without the water ^_^

"Remember, the first son would be named as John"
"Aye aye Sir" ;-)

We finished the whole tour 2 to 3 hours later.
At first, we thought we would take like....an hour to finish off the tour.
Can't believe the castle is so massive, from my point of view, because this is my first visit to a castle.

Oh, there was a wedding ceremony held at Cardiff Castle on that day but....we only got to see the bride went out from the car =="

Have our late lunch at
Wok To Walk.



Day 4 (07/05/2011) Saturday

Off to Cardiff Bay :) My second time visit :) And this time, we went there via train :)

Quite satisfied with Vivi's visit this time. Why?? Because I tend to try something new with her :D
We hopped into the Cardiff Bay boat which cost us £3 for a single journey to Penarth.

Can't you feel the different atmosphere from the pictures?

Actually, the housing looked fantastic when you look at it yourself but.....blame the pictures please :-P

Since it is a single journey so both of us have to walk by ourselves from Penarth to Cardiff Bay. It took us like 30 to 45mins. It's a great experience for exercising too.

On our way, we created some poems about.....Naaaa....the two of us were just killing the time :)

Reached Cardiff Bay again (Pictures below)

Sasapun Spicy Root.
It's quite expensive for dinner =="
At last, we decided to cook at home.

Another story when we were heading home.
We took the wrong train once again, which brought us to an unfamiliar place I have never been.
Memang pndai. Rah Wales pun buleh sasat.
My mistake actually.
And we were like....trying to figure it out on how to avoid the train's conductor. For sure, we don't want to pay for another ticket =="

Hmm....will tell you the whole story instead of writing it here. Please remind me :)

About Me

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Random "Heart-to-Heart" session

When no one understand me, that is when this blog being a great help :-)