Taking care of Nini Bayan

Okay.....I'm still in my "Living Zombie" state when suddenly my mom knocked the door and asked me to get ready to take care of Nini Bayan at the hospital. Well, she was about to be admitted~Thank goodness that my mind is still okay which brought me to give a 'YES' answer.

And...Oh God Mom, I am taking care of someone who is sick, not I'm doing some sort of vacation. Pleaseeee~

And....okay, go and call that person. I don't even care!!!!

Yup, aku tinggalkn rumah mlm atu dlm keadaan marah. Sasak bnrku~

Ejos, Uncle Yoyoi, Babu Yatong, Kiki & Munil were the companions while Auntie Yadal was on duty that night and Uncle Jini's family catch up not long after that. While the elders were dealing with Nini Bayan's admittance, the youngsters were 'memalui' at the waiting corner. Ok, congratulations to me for being so clever, hiding my 'true' feeling that night~

We have a chit chat first before sending Nini Bayan to her room. The kids went back home early because the next day they have to go to school.

Before the elders were leaving, they gave me lots of advice such as where to get the hot water in the kitchen, the toilet and all those stuffs. Yeap.....my first experience xD

Felt sorry to Nini Bayan. She kept on coughing and she even has a cold. And felt guilty too for waking her up just to take her tablet.

For those who have experience taking care of someone who is sick in the hospital, yup....you probably know about this. I DIDN'T SLEEP THAT NIGHT!!!!! No comfy bed, no thick blanket and felt quite annoyed with the nurse there for causing all those noise when I was about to fall asleep. And guess what?? They woke the patients up like 5.30AM for the check-up and I was like "Hey, I'm trying to sleep here". ARGHHHHHH!!!!!

Thank goodness Auntie Yanoi came early after sending her daughters to school. And that's it. After saying bye bye to Nini Bayan, HOME SWEET HOME. COLLAPSED STRAIGHT AWAY ON THE BED ^O^


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