Another experience

The effect after my blood is extracted. See the green area?? Hijau-menghijau yow~

Oh, this is my right hand!!

This is my left hand. Apparently, my blood is flowing fast on my left hand when compare to my right hand.
But I think it is correct since arteries are functioning in transporting blood to all parts of the body. Therefore, the heart needs to pump the blood continuously. Please correct my biological knowledge~
Yeahh.....I know....general knowledge. But I tend to forget about it. Ohhhh....somehow I miss Teacher Shanty~^_^

I also received a shot for my H1N1. I tried to avoid that injection all this while but by looking at my current situation, I can't oppose it. I did feel a slight pain on my right shoulder though. Mcm menusuk ke tulang pun ada jua rsanya~

Mantoux test, blood test, H1N1 shot.....Somehow I felt like I am same kind of animal.
Do I sound insulting?? Sorry~


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