Liau body's recovered

Marine police, fire and rescue personnel and medical staff bring the body of deceased Haji Rais Banih, wrapped in a green bag, to the shore at Jerudong beach as family members and close friends look on. His body was found last night four days after he was found missing.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

The body of famous veteran actor Hj Rais Banih (pic), fondly known as Liau Badar, was found at Jerudong beach last night after a four-day search.

His body was discovered by family members at 6.20pm, trapped between coastal rocks on a strip of beach behind the Jerudong Polo and Country Club golf course, about three kilometres from Jerudong Beach.

The 74-year-old was reported missing Sunday morning after his capsized boat was found floating near Jerudong Beach. The actor was a keen angler who fished there regularly.

Hundreds of fans, friends and family members of the beloved actor converged on the shores of the beach where his body was found, reading doa selamat and waiting for the body to be brought down from the rocks.

Officials from the Fire and Rescue Department, assisted by the Marine Police and relatives of the deceased, retrieved the body from the rocks at about 9pm, but it took them a further 40 minutes to transport the body to the shore and place it in the ambulance due to the hundreds of people crowding the beach.

Twenty security guards from the Jerudong Polo and Country Club assisted police in keeping the crowd at bay as they clamoured to catch a glimpse of the body. The deceased was immediately taken to Raja Isteri Pengiran Anak Saleha (Ripas) Hospital for a post-mortem examination to determine the cause of death.

According to eyewitnesses among the recovery team, Hj Rais's body was already in the advanced stages of decomposition, further delaying the retrieval due to the delicate state of the body.

Since the day of the accident, the deceased's family have been holding vigil at Jerudong beach, searching for the actor with various government agencies headed by the Fire and Rescue Department.

Hj Rais's wife, who had stayed at the beach for three days straight, was hospitalised on Tuesday after collapsing due to emotional distress.

Immediate family members were also outraged with false rumours circulating among the Bruneian community for the past few days, regarding the discovery of Hj Rais's body, when the search was still ongoing.

Several relatives of the deceased said the rumours caused further distress to their family as well as causing complications in the search carried out by the Fire and Rescue Department.

Razalee Hj Rais, the son of the veteran comedian, said that since retiring, his father frequently went out to sea by himself.

"He would leave (the house to go out to sea) as early as Subuh (dawn) prayers were finished, and would normally return by 10am," he told The Brunei Times.

Razalee said he began to worry as the day stretched past 10am and his father did not return from his fishing trip.

Friends of Hj Rais were believed to have made a distress call at 1.18pm on Sunday afternoon after his boat was found floating astray at about 10.45am that morning.

The funeral for Hj Rais will be held today at 9am in Kg Parit, Limau Manis. Hj Rais is survived by his wife and son.

The Brunei Times


Can't believe that he will leave in that way. I'm not really updated with Bruneian dramas nowadays but as far as I know, he was healthy and still active. I always watched his dramas masa damit2. His evil role that he took was as a stepfather of DJ Zura who is kaki judi. Apart from that, beliau slalu membawa watak yg mcm bapa2 or atuk2. Watak yg bnyk memberi nasihat lah yg pastinya~

Throughout his missing, I keep on following the updates of his search via Brunei FM. I even added Zamri just to know about his searching. But then,
Allah lebih syngkn beliau. Nda sangka cmatu gayanya ea meninggalkn dunia ane.....

Banartah nya urng, ajal maut d-tngan Tuhan. Bila2 masa saja kita kana panggil.

Bukannya kn melawan takdir lah, p mcm ada rasa terkilan sedikit dgn cara beliau kana "panggil" atu~

Even though I am not a big fans of him,
apatah lgi drama Brunei but I do feel his loss. I'm sure the Bruneian will keep on remembering him, missing his acting to be exact. Bak kata peribahasa, gajah mati meninggalkan gading, harimau mati meninggalkan belang, manusia mati meninggalkan nama.

Semoga rohnya dicucuri rahmat. Amin.....

Allahyarham Hj Rais Banih @ Liau Badar
The Living Legend

Sheila Majid - Lagenda


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