Majlis Pertunangan Kaka Nono & Radis

*Take Note That The Photos Below Were All Courtesy From Vivi*
Sorry Bep, I stole your photos without permission. I did bring the camera but looking at their camera on that day,
okay....saya mikum~

♫♫♫ Renjis Renjis Dipilis, Ditepungilah Tawar....... ♫♫♫
Ehhh.....Alum lagikh??? Aiyooooo O_0

The ladies (Aisehhhh...) who were present were all beautiful. Love their dress and make-up. Awwwww.......Including Kaka Nono too. Felt pity because she was quite unwell during her big day~

Happy Belated Birthday to Kaka Nono too. And the lovely Eyan. Well, I'm not sure when is Eyan's birthday though, LOL!!!! Correction : LUPA. Hehe......Eyan was so iski to cut her cake. Even kakanya punya kek pun ea ikut memutung jua. Cute~

To Vivi, sorry because I didn't wear the baju on that day~


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