Photos from our last Thursday sleepover.

A little recap....

Sleepover together with Tiara and Vivi at my house on 24th June 2010 (Thursday).

Take note that the photos shown below is 100% belong to Vivi since I was too lazy to brought my mobile phone out of my room and "snap" the precious moment on that day.

Thanks to Vivi for tagging those photos into my Facebook.

That is me with my lovely Tiara, posing in front of the boiling crab soup, showing off our great masterpiece. Wuahahaha.....Tiara became our chef since the three of us (Me, Vivi & Nani) were like.....still blunt in terms of our cooking skills. Well, to be exact, the sentence goes directly to me. Hoho.....
I was just finished showering so don't be surprised with my towel, "hugging" on my head.

That is my bro with Tiara, trying to taste the soup. My bro is really good in cooking. Well....he is much more better than me in cooking!!!! Huhuhu....
I stole this photo from Vivi's Facebook. Sorry for not asking your permission first *Bashed my head with bricks*

PROCEED WITH "Showing off our posing talents in front of the camera" ACTIVITY IN MY ROOM.

Memory... is the diary that we all carry about with us. ~Oscar Wilde, "The Importance of Being Earnest"


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