BBQ-Ing At G-Mah's House

As the title says, the story of BBQ began when G-Mah asked me through Facebook (I couldn't remember the date) whether I was free or not at the moment. Since I was jobless, my answer would be "OF COURSE"!!!! I asked her WHY so she said that she was planning to held BBQ gathering + sleepover at her house just for 5sci2 Intake 2007 SMSB but she didn't know when to held it. Therefore, I suggested her to contact all 5sci2 in Facebook through inbox to do some discussions. G-Mah agreed and then....

The story continues...

Just imagined, 13 people discussing under "Hangout + BBQ + Sleepover at G-Mah's House" title in inbox!!!!!! That was....Fuhhh *Sweating*
So I was like....checking my inbox every hour every day in order to prevent me from losing track of what there are discussing about. If I was lost in some of the point, I need to read the whole thread again from the beginning.
The discussion was done 2 weeks before the actual day. Huda, Maziah, Fairuzana and Zirah really helps a lot in terms of the planning.

As the discussion still going on, Sharl, Yun and me were also discussing among ourselves about how we were going to get to G-Mah's house and THANK GODNESS, our dearest Asmaa (Love you....) willing to become our pilot on that day.

May I have your attention for 2minutes please!!!! Hahaha....
At first my mom agreed to let me for the sleepover but when I told her that Fairuzana was planning for a swimming at Sport Complex on the next day, she COMPLETELY disagreed because she afraid that I might going somewhere without her full notice. And I was like...."Ok....Just think whatever you want!!!!" I was quite frustrated that my mom didn't believe me of who I made friends of. No..really...I was SO frustrated at that time...

Now, you can go back to the story....

I went to Sharl's house around 9.40am on the actual day (Sunday) and Yun already arrived earlier than me. And our pilot, Asmaa, picked us up afterward...

This was my second time to G-mah's house and this time, I am CONFIDENTLY remember where her house is. Kekeke...Shame on me because I really didn't have any slight memory for the location of G-Mah's house before that. And this was my first time to enter G-Mah's house. Her house is in bungalow, quite nice, quite comfort but somehow made me lost. Sorry G-Mah....but that's the truth. But I like your house anyway!! Haha...

Our first activity....Took webcam pictures using G-Mah's laptop.

Then the BBQ started!!!

At first, I was a 'mandur' then and then as the original chefs went to buy some drinks at the nearest grocery shop, me and Shaliza took their place as the substitute chefs.

Sorry Shaliza...I can't find your picture T.T

Before our lunch began, we were served with a "video" courtesy from Huda. Thanks Huda.....*_^


During lunch, Huda made a prank phone call to CT who couldn't attend the BBQ. Haha...Poor CT because she was completely fall into Huda's trap.

After lunch...."Showing-off-our-pose-in-front-of-camera-with-our-full-stomach" activity followed.

Musical chair followed afterward.....We love this game so much!!!!

First round => I was in 3rd place....

Second round => I was the WINNER!!!!! Yeah...I am pro in musical chair. Wuahahahaha.....

After we were done with musical chair, we proceed with playing Monopoly and Jenga. But I didn't join any of those two games. Busy with my Facebook. Hoho...

Huda did show her creativity by drawing my face with Portugal's flag and ChangMin's hangul name by G-Mah afterward with Face Deco.
Ohhh...I really didn't mind my face being drawnXP

Shaliza and me were the only two victims where our faces were drawn by Face Deco. Shaliza really looked as if she was wearing a face mask!!! Wow...G-Mah is so creative....

While the others were busy playing with Monopoly and Jenga, we were served listening to "Mirotic" and "Sorry Sorry" album by G-Mah. Wow...I am so jealous of her because she has ALL the three versions of "Mirotic" album together with the photo album. Ohhh...I AM SO JEALOUS!!!!!

Done with Monopoly + Jenga + Face Deco, all of us went to Hua Ho since four of us has brought their own car.

Inside the toilet.....

While waiting for them outside the toilet...........

Our July's Princess posing with the sunglass. Oh....Yun did buy that sunglass....

In the end, I didn't buy anything for myself. Yeahhh...I forgot to ask for money to my dad. Huhuhuhu...But Lulu bought me a KitKat. Thanks Lulu...Love you....

After that, we went home!!! Ohh....What a tiring day but it was so fun.....Thanks G-Mah for suggesting the gathering.


~ Me (Of Course)
~ G-Mah (Tuan Rumah)
~ Yun (Camera girl)
~ Sharl
~ Huda
~ Lulu
~ Zirah
~ Shaliza
~ Maziah
~ Fairuzana
~ Asmaa


~ Bibi
~ CT
~ Amal
~ Fiona (No sound of her)
~ Mariatul (No sound of her too)
~ Lee Jing (Since non of us know where she was right now)

Credits to Yun for all the pictures above.

"The Love Of My Life Is The Love Between Friends" - Jess


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