DVD-Ing At Sharl's house

Today, me and Lulu went to the school to get our leaving certificate. We promised with Yun & Sharl that we will meet them at the school. The four of us even wearing school uniforms to get free entrance in the library without being caught by the "Dragon". Hehe....
Me and Lulu came to school as usual. 7.??am and doing our usual chit chat thing while waiting for the two princess (Yun and Sharl) to arrive. Unfortunately, fuhh....Sir Teck told us to leave our leaving certificate first in school since our June result is not out yet. Because if we took the leaving certificate on that day, our June result is considered not valid anymore. Quite scary information from Sir Teck I would say.

When the two princess arrived, we met them at the bus stand and Lulu and I were quite surprised to see Amal was joining us today, It was like a reunion for us. The only thing is, it was unplanned reunion with absent of flashed from camera. We told them the information Sir Teck has given us. But we decided to give it a try anywhere. Yeah...who knows our luck are with us on that day. We went to the clerk room and Yun, Sharl & Amal's leaving certificates were already done while our certificates for me and Lulu were like....no sign it was done. Even our brief reports were nowhere to be seen.

Ok....We admitted that was our fault for not telling the clerk that we want the certificate A.S.A.P.

Yun, Amal and Sharl then went to the Principle room to get her signature. Luckily or unfortunately (I don't know which adverbs I would use), she told them to hold on their leaving certificate first and gave them the same reason as what Sir Teck had told us. So we were like....ok ok....

As we didn't want to waste our precious time in school, we decided to hang out at Sharl's house. Well, Amal was the one who gave us the brilliant idea. Thanks Amal~
Before leaving the school, free talk from my dad. Thanks~That was a very long and nice one. Gggrrr....Wasting our time again!!!

Girls time begin!!! Drum roll.....

After having lunch and some chit chats at Sharl's house, we went to Yun's house because :-
1) The princess want to change her clothes.
2) We need her laptop since Sharl's laptop is malfunction in displaying DVD that was being played.
3) To grab some of Yun's DVD also.

Then.....DVD-Ing activity began!!!

Pictures time....
This is what I managed to captured. Poor of my mobile phone. Hish hish hish....


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