DVD-Ing at Sharl's House 2

I really didn't know the word "Tired" or "Exhausted"....

The day before, we were just finished our class gathering and today, we decided for another DVD-Ing at Sharl's house again. I didn't tell my parents about our plan so I woke up early and told my mom about our plan today before she went to school. My mom was like....so angry and furious and she was stamping her foot on the floor. I just showed her my "malas tah ku ingau" expression. Yeah...I really didn't care whether she approve my plan or not since she was not my "driver" on that day.

I followed my big bro on his way to school and he dropped me by at Sharl's house before 7am. I REALLY felt sympathetic to Sharl because she has to walk up early and wait for me to arrive. Sharl's dad was also surprised to see me so early in the morning. Hahaha....
Thank goodness Sharl has provided extra mattress and pillows for me to continue my "sleeping beauty". After having chit chat with her for about an hour, I managed to fall asleep in the end.

The most embarassing moment for me was when I was too enjoyed with my dreamland until Sharl has to wake me up, informing me that it was lunch time. I was like....still confused and looking at my watch and yeah...it was exactly 12 O'clock in the afternoon. That's meant, I slept exactly 4 hours and I never wake up so late as that every time I slept at someone house. Even when I sleep at my grandparent's house. Oh my god....I really felt ashamed of myself *Covered my face with a blanket*

Sharl's dad cooked for us lunch and the food was quite good. Delicious I would say....We had "Ikan Merah" and "Sayur Kangkung" for lunch. Yummy....
Yun arrived exactly during our lunch time followed by Amal. Amal brought along her "Kuih Panggang" and.....I WAS FULL!!! Haha....

Our DVD-ING began......
We watched.....

I just knew that movie was released last year. I thought it was an old movie being release somewhere in 2005......Hahaha....
We mostly like the Yoga part. Kekeke....

After the movie was finished, we took some pictures by using Yun and Amal's camera. Showing off our talent again....

Then we went to buy some ice creams at STC. It was for our tea time actually. After ice creams, we continued to fill our stomach with cheese cake made by Sharl.
It was VERY delicious...I don't know what adjective I would use to describe her cheese cake ~_~
Sharl....I really hoped you will open up a bakery shop one day. I'll promise to be your loyal customer ^_*

Before ended our meeting on that day, we spent another minute of chatting outside Sharl's house before we went home. Once again, Sharl volunteered to send me and Yun back home. I managed to chat with Babu Sumi before I went home.

Thanks Sharl for the mattress and the pillow, the lunch (that is for to your dad actually), the cheese cake and for becoming our driver.

Oh yeah....Lulu didn't join us today.
As you can see....no pictures. All pictures were taken by Yun and Amal. I was also lazy by the way....Hehe...

This entry indicating my three days of continues fun. Haha....Proud and happy because of that!!!!


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