Happy Birthday To June's Prince and Princesses....

Happy 20th Birthday to Erney......
June 20th

Happy 16th Birthday to Kiki
June 22nd

Happy 22th Birthday to Bibeh aka Vivi.....
June 30th

And lastly.....Happy Birthday to Uncle Yoyoi.....
June 6th
Sorry....Nda ku tejumpa gmbr Uncle~

~Love you all~

P/S : Honestly, this greeting and post is REALLY REALLY late. Mianhee *Bow*

Photos from our last Thursday sleepover.

A little recap....

Sleepover together with Tiara and Vivi at my house on 24th June 2010 (Thursday).

Take note that the photos shown below is 100% belong to Vivi since I was too lazy to brought my mobile phone out of my room and "snap" the precious moment on that day.

Thanks to Vivi for tagging those photos into my Facebook.

That is me with my lovely Tiara, posing in front of the boiling crab soup, showing off our great masterpiece. Wuahahaha.....Tiara became our chef since the three of us (Me, Vivi & Nani) were like.....still blunt in terms of our cooking skills. Well, to be exact, the sentence goes directly to me. Hoho.....
I was just finished showering so don't be surprised with my towel, "hugging" on my head.

That is my bro with Tiara, trying to taste the soup. My bro is really good in cooking. Well....he is much more better than me in cooking!!!! Huhuhu....
I stole this photo from Vivi's Facebook. Sorry for not asking your permission first *Bashed my head with bricks*

PROCEED WITH "Showing off our posing talents in front of the camera" ACTIVITY IN MY ROOM.

Memory... is the diary that we all carry about with us. ~Oscar Wilde, "The Importance of Being Earnest"

DVD-Ing at Sharl's House 2

I really didn't know the word "Tired" or "Exhausted"....

The day before, we were just finished our class gathering and today, we decided for another DVD-Ing at Sharl's house again. I didn't tell my parents about our plan so I woke up early and told my mom about our plan today before she went to school. My mom was like....so angry and furious and she was stamping her foot on the floor. I just showed her my "malas tah ku ingau" expression. Yeah...I really didn't care whether she approve my plan or not since she was not my "driver" on that day.

I followed my big bro on his way to school and he dropped me by at Sharl's house before 7am. I REALLY felt sympathetic to Sharl because she has to walk up early and wait for me to arrive. Sharl's dad was also surprised to see me so early in the morning. Hahaha....
Thank goodness Sharl has provided extra mattress and pillows for me to continue my "sleeping beauty". After having chit chat with her for about an hour, I managed to fall asleep in the end.

The most embarassing moment for me was when I was too enjoyed with my dreamland until Sharl has to wake me up, informing me that it was lunch time. I was like....still confused and looking at my watch and yeah...it was exactly 12 O'clock in the afternoon. That's meant, I slept exactly 4 hours and I never wake up so late as that every time I slept at someone house. Even when I sleep at my grandparent's house. Oh my god....I really felt ashamed of myself *Covered my face with a blanket*

Sharl's dad cooked for us lunch and the food was quite good. Delicious I would say....We had "Ikan Merah" and "Sayur Kangkung" for lunch. Yummy....
Yun arrived exactly during our lunch time followed by Amal. Amal brought along her "Kuih Panggang" and.....I WAS FULL!!! Haha....

Our DVD-ING began......
We watched.....

I just knew that movie was released last year. I thought it was an old movie being release somewhere in 2005......Hahaha....
We mostly like the Yoga part. Kekeke....

After the movie was finished, we took some pictures by using Yun and Amal's camera. Showing off our talent again....

Then we went to buy some ice creams at STC. It was for our tea time actually. After ice creams, we continued to fill our stomach with cheese cake made by Sharl.
It was VERY delicious...I don't know what adjective I would use to describe her cheese cake ~_~
Sharl....I really hoped you will open up a bakery shop one day. I'll promise to be your loyal customer ^_*

Before ended our meeting on that day, we spent another minute of chatting outside Sharl's house before we went home. Once again, Sharl volunteered to send me and Yun back home. I managed to chat with Babu Sumi before I went home.

Thanks Sharl for the mattress and the pillow, the lunch (that is for to your dad actually), the cheese cake and for becoming our driver.

Oh yeah....Lulu didn't join us today.
As you can see....no pictures. All pictures were taken by Yun and Amal. I was also lazy by the way....Hehe...

This entry indicating my three days of continues fun. Haha....Proud and happy because of that!!!!

BBQ-Ing At G-Mah's House

As the title says, the story of BBQ began when G-Mah asked me through Facebook (I couldn't remember the date) whether I was free or not at the moment. Since I was jobless, my answer would be "OF COURSE"!!!! I asked her WHY so she said that she was planning to held BBQ gathering + sleepover at her house just for 5sci2 Intake 2007 SMSB but she didn't know when to held it. Therefore, I suggested her to contact all 5sci2 in Facebook through inbox to do some discussions. G-Mah agreed and then....

The story continues...

Just imagined, 13 people discussing under "Hangout + BBQ + Sleepover at G-Mah's House" title in inbox!!!!!! That was....Fuhhh *Sweating*
So I was like....checking my inbox every hour every day in order to prevent me from losing track of what there are discussing about. If I was lost in some of the point, I need to read the whole thread again from the beginning.
The discussion was done 2 weeks before the actual day. Huda, Maziah, Fairuzana and Zirah really helps a lot in terms of the planning.

As the discussion still going on, Sharl, Yun and me were also discussing among ourselves about how we were going to get to G-Mah's house and THANK GODNESS, our dearest Asmaa (Love you....) willing to become our pilot on that day.

May I have your attention for 2minutes please!!!! Hahaha....
At first my mom agreed to let me for the sleepover but when I told her that Fairuzana was planning for a swimming at Sport Complex on the next day, she COMPLETELY disagreed because she afraid that I might going somewhere without her full notice. And I was like...."Ok....Just think whatever you want!!!!" I was quite frustrated that my mom didn't believe me of who I made friends of. No..really...I was SO frustrated at that time...

Now, you can go back to the story....

I went to Sharl's house around 9.40am on the actual day (Sunday) and Yun already arrived earlier than me. And our pilot, Asmaa, picked us up afterward...

This was my second time to G-mah's house and this time, I am CONFIDENTLY remember where her house is. Kekeke...Shame on me because I really didn't have any slight memory for the location of G-Mah's house before that. And this was my first time to enter G-Mah's house. Her house is in bungalow, quite nice, quite comfort but somehow made me lost. Sorry G-Mah....but that's the truth. But I like your house anyway!! Haha...

Our first activity....Took webcam pictures using G-Mah's laptop.

Then the BBQ started!!!

At first, I was a 'mandur' then and then as the original chefs went to buy some drinks at the nearest grocery shop, me and Shaliza took their place as the substitute chefs.

Sorry Shaliza...I can't find your picture T.T

Before our lunch began, we were served with a "video" courtesy from Huda. Thanks Huda.....*_^


During lunch, Huda made a prank phone call to CT who couldn't attend the BBQ. Haha...Poor CT because she was completely fall into Huda's trap.

After lunch...."Showing-off-our-pose-in-front-of-camera-with-our-full-stomach" activity followed.

Musical chair followed afterward.....We love this game so much!!!!

First round => I was in 3rd place....

Second round => I was the WINNER!!!!! Yeah...I am pro in musical chair. Wuahahahaha.....

After we were done with musical chair, we proceed with playing Monopoly and Jenga. But I didn't join any of those two games. Busy with my Facebook. Hoho...

Huda did show her creativity by drawing my face with Portugal's flag and ChangMin's hangul name by G-Mah afterward with Face Deco.
Ohhh...I really didn't mind my face being drawnXP

Shaliza and me were the only two victims where our faces were drawn by Face Deco. Shaliza really looked as if she was wearing a face mask!!! Wow...G-Mah is so creative....

While the others were busy playing with Monopoly and Jenga, we were served listening to "Mirotic" and "Sorry Sorry" album by G-Mah. Wow...I am so jealous of her because she has ALL the three versions of "Mirotic" album together with the photo album. Ohhh...I AM SO JEALOUS!!!!!

Done with Monopoly + Jenga + Face Deco, all of us went to Hua Ho since four of us has brought their own car.

Inside the toilet.....

While waiting for them outside the toilet...........

Our July's Princess posing with the sunglass. Oh....Yun did buy that sunglass....

In the end, I didn't buy anything for myself. Yeahhh...I forgot to ask for money to my dad. Huhuhuhu...But Lulu bought me a KitKat. Thanks Lulu...Love you....

After that, we went home!!! Ohh....What a tiring day but it was so fun.....Thanks G-Mah for suggesting the gathering.


~ Me (Of Course)
~ G-Mah (Tuan Rumah)
~ Yun (Camera girl)
~ Sharl
~ Huda
~ Lulu
~ Zirah
~ Shaliza
~ Maziah
~ Fairuzana
~ Asmaa


~ Bibi
~ CT
~ Amal
~ Fiona (No sound of her)
~ Mariatul (No sound of her too)
~ Lee Jing (Since non of us know where she was right now)

Credits to Yun for all the pictures above.

"The Love Of My Life Is The Love Between Friends" - Jess

DVD-Ing At Sharl's house

Today, me and Lulu went to the school to get our leaving certificate. We promised with Yun & Sharl that we will meet them at the school. The four of us even wearing school uniforms to get free entrance in the library without being caught by the "Dragon". Hehe....
Me and Lulu came to school as usual. 7.??am and doing our usual chit chat thing while waiting for the two princess (Yun and Sharl) to arrive. Unfortunately, fuhh....Sir Teck told us to leave our leaving certificate first in school since our June result is not out yet. Because if we took the leaving certificate on that day, our June result is considered not valid anymore. Quite scary information from Sir Teck I would say.

When the two princess arrived, we met them at the bus stand and Lulu and I were quite surprised to see Amal was joining us today, It was like a reunion for us. The only thing is, it was unplanned reunion with absent of flashed from camera. We told them the information Sir Teck has given us. But we decided to give it a try anywhere. Yeah...who knows our luck are with us on that day. We went to the clerk room and Yun, Sharl & Amal's leaving certificates were already done while our certificates for me and Lulu were like....no sign it was done. Even our brief reports were nowhere to be seen.

Ok....We admitted that was our fault for not telling the clerk that we want the certificate A.S.A.P.

Yun, Amal and Sharl then went to the Principle room to get her signature. Luckily or unfortunately (I don't know which adverbs I would use), she told them to hold on their leaving certificate first and gave them the same reason as what Sir Teck had told us. So we were like....ok ok....

As we didn't want to waste our precious time in school, we decided to hang out at Sharl's house. Well, Amal was the one who gave us the brilliant idea. Thanks Amal~
Before leaving the school, free talk from my dad. Thanks~That was a very long and nice one. Gggrrr....Wasting our time again!!!

Girls time begin!!! Drum roll.....

After having lunch and some chit chats at Sharl's house, we went to Yun's house because :-
1) The princess want to change her clothes.
2) We need her laptop since Sharl's laptop is malfunction in displaying DVD that was being played.
3) To grab some of Yun's DVD also.

Then.....DVD-Ing activity began!!!

Pictures time....
This is what I managed to captured. Poor of my mobile phone. Hish hish hish....

ChangMin's 1st official appearance in public!!!!

ChangMin has returned back!!!

Both pictures are from CHANEL 2010/2011 Collection Show.

But, why are you so skinny?? I really feel like to feed you with our food at home since you are a "VACUUM CLEANER".
Anyway, I guess your muscles has returned back. Hoho.....I'm too eager....

A day late to fulfill my promise yesterday. Mianhee *Bow*

As promised, well.....a day late actually.

picture that I captured. KAWAIIII..........

Sleepover at my house

I'm back....
My cousin, Tiara gave me a message around 4PM, saying that they would play netball (together with my other cousins). I went to her house around 5 because I wanted to fill in my stomach with curry noodles before that. Kekeke....

After we finished with the game, Vivi suddenly suggested for a sleepover. I first thought that we were going to do it at Tiara's house so I just....nodding my head. After some chit chat, Vivi brought up the topic again and correct it this time that they were doing it in my house. I was like....nodding my head again but the image of my bedroom + my bathroom popped out suddenly. Yeah.....You can describe my bedroom and bathroom as "bird nest" if you wish.

Return back home with Tiara, I quickly cleaned my bathroom and gave "taking shower" to Tiara as my reason. Hoho....^^

Finished with my shower, Vivi and her sister, Nani, already here and we proceed with the cooking activity.
To Tiara, Vivi and Nani......You have the chance to marry early. Hoho....The food was delicious guys =^_^=

Then we proceed watching Korean drama through online and guess what.....I'M THE ONLY SURVIVOR.....

Tiara and Vivi already zzzzz....while Nani went home already.

Hoho....proud to myself

Anyway, I didn't take a single picture during the sleepover. Perhaps, I will ask Vivi for the pictures??? Hmm...

P/S : I took Eyan's pictures this evening. SHE IS SO CUTE!!!!! ♥♥♥ I will upload it tomorrow, hopefully.

K....That's it. Night2 readers ☺☺☺


A warm HELLO to the readers.
As you can see from my "About Me" section, I switched from Live Journal to this blog due to no-music-application-provided in Live Journal. Yeah...I mean, it would be boring if you read someone's blog with a long post but without music to accompany you along your reading. Don't you think so?? Well, I do...
Honestly, I feel so 'sayang' with my Live Journal's theme because I
LIKE it so much....
Ok~Cut it out!!!! New blog...new passion^^

Take note that after this post, all posts that I have published are from my Live Journal and YES they are quit old. Hehe....

Hmm....Sorry if my blog seems dull and boring to you.
Enjoy your reading anyway.

About Me

Random thought
Random words
Random pictures
Random stories
Random "Heart-to-Heart" session

When no one understand me, that is when this blog being a great help :-)