U-KISS Fanmeeting In Brunei

indirectly grabbed from Aswida Izatie's blog :>

Nak Didi, jgnkan ijun, kuji pun yg bukannya die hard fan U-KISS pun setiris membca news durng rh surat khabar.

Why they have to be in Brunei when I am still in UK?????

EHHH.....KUJI ALUM MULEH BAH NOH!!!! *Setiris mode*

I like the new members (Hoon & AJ) *Blushing*

KissMe are really upset for KiBum & Alexander's departure but the new members and their new concept did bring a great change to U-KISS (Mun inda, indakn Alai Sarinah yg nda minat U-KISS pun buleh cair msa ane xP)

Hoon - Bus

A reason why I like Hoon. His voice made me drooling.

Paran - First Love

Can't believe he debut when he was only 14 ?_?
Reason: Good-looking. Hehe......


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