In my wishlist (April)

1) Apple Ipod Touch 64GB

This is as a replacement for my Ipod Nano. Just imagine, from 16GB, I only left with 2.??GB at the moment. See how greedy I am ^_* Antah, video apatah yg aku msukkn tuh~

At first, I aimed for Ipad tpi mcm tluan basar jua Ipad atu. So CANCEL~
Then I aimed for Iphone (Inda alang2 kn) but I still love my LG *Long smooch*. So CANCEL lagi~
Finally, Ipod Touch is the best nominee so far since I am only looking for a bigger space to put all my videos and songs :-D

2) Sony Cyber-shot

A big regret for me!!!

Where am I at the moment required this gadget to capture all those scenes to be put as part of my memory.

When I browsed through the list in Amazon and compared the price with QQestore, memng jauh beza~

If I have this camera one day, I'll make Bibeh, Amal and Nisah as my model.
Thank you so much for taking my pictures during our Uni's break :-)

3) Spectacles

What more can I say??
It's been 6 years I am using the same old spectacles and it's time for replacement!!!! ^_^

Message behind this post:
Saving Tikah, saving!!!!! :-)


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