Red carpet for Nisah to Pontypridd :-)

My first guest finally arrived!!!!!!

Ane baru tia pndai bejanji nah~Mula2 buat plan kn mengaga c-Dayang Nisah ney rh train station d-city tpi antah inda tau d-mna silapnya, last2 ea plang terpksa ke Pontypridd sorng2. Ehhhh.....macam-macam *Giling2 kepala* :-P

After having a short chit chat with Alai Sarinah, the three of us heading to Pontypridd Museum. Msuk sana, memalui *Kes malas kn membca semua info psl history of Pontypridd ane* :-P

"Mr Alex Chong~" *Kenyit mata*

*Titanic background*

Taff's River view from the Old Bridge.

Next destination => To the park. Can't remember the name~

Next destination: Antah. Inda lagi kmi ingat d-mna kami membawa Nisah pusing2. Yg pastinya around Pontypridd town atu sjalah~

Well, kami Alai Sarinah plang yg labih2 mcm tourist ane d-bandingkn Nisah. Ketara beparam sja rh rumah xP

Sorry to Nisah because I didn't cook for her that night. Please blame on the test~

And sorry to her too because she slept quite late due to us. Well, salahkn Alai Sarinah xPxP

Ughhhh.....I should have taken Nisah's picture while she was sleeping!!! @#$%^

Pictures were taken from Nisah's album~


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