Nandos + Arcade + Sleepover

Me and Alai Sarinah first experience using bus went to Nandos~

Mamam time.......

Memalui at arcade, next to Nandos.

Arghhh....hate that 'moment'. I think I am trauma of arcade now~
Mau tau??
Sorry, rahsia kami tiga ney xP

And we almost missed the last bus going back to Pontypridd. Nasib baik~~~~~Tuh nah luan kesiukkn rh arcade~

As soon as we arrived home, kami tiga bpikir ney smada jadi or inda kn sleepover rh durng Aishah due to Salam Brunei isuknya~But after we received Aishah & Abg Aflan's reply, we stick on with our original plan to sleepover at their house.

And we were disturbed by two drunken men on our way to the train station !@#$%^& Nasib baik sorang2 inda panic.

And Abg Aflan brought a great news too. Alhamdullilah.......rezeki \\(^_^)//


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