Shopping time.......

Blouse, hoodie, pajama and lint roller~

I spend almost £30 for all those stuffs above. Hmmmm......That is one of the reasons of why I hate going to the city ^o^



Tsk tsk tsk.......
*Rintihan Atikah*

In my wishlist (April)

1) Apple Ipod Touch 64GB

This is as a replacement for my Ipod Nano. Just imagine, from 16GB, I only left with 2.??GB at the moment. See how greedy I am ^_* Antah, video apatah yg aku msukkn tuh~

At first, I aimed for Ipad tpi mcm tluan basar jua Ipad atu. So CANCEL~
Then I aimed for Iphone (Inda alang2 kn) but I still love my LG *Long smooch*. So CANCEL lagi~
Finally, Ipod Touch is the best nominee so far since I am only looking for a bigger space to put all my videos and songs :-D

2) Sony Cyber-shot

A big regret for me!!!

Where am I at the moment required this gadget to capture all those scenes to be put as part of my memory.

When I browsed through the list in Amazon and compared the price with QQestore, memng jauh beza~

If I have this camera one day, I'll make Bibeh, Amal and Nisah as my model.
Thank you so much for taking my pictures during our Uni's break :-)

3) Spectacles

What more can I say??
It's been 6 years I am using the same old spectacles and it's time for replacement!!!! ^_^

Message behind this post:
Saving Tikah, saving!!!!! :-)

This is how it goes

Active in blog


Inactive in Facebook

When boredom strike me



Heita Fukai (Takeru Sato) is an ordinary, but timid, high school student who has no interest in love. This all changes when a new transferee student (Atsuko Maeda) arrives at his school. Heita discovers that the girl is actually a robot named Q10. The duo starts to cause trouble in school, while Heita starts to fall in love with the robot. This is how their story begins ...

One day Heita Fukai finds a girl sleeping in the science lab. When Heita touches her, she suddenly wakes up and opens her eyes. The girl was actually brought to the lab by the school's principal Jiro Kishimoto (Takehiko Ono). The previous night, principal Jiro Kishimoto, after a night of drinking alcohol, discovered the girl in the garbage. The drunk principal takes her to his home.

The next morning the principal notices that the girl doesn't breathe at all and he asks for help from Heita's homeroom teacher Tatsune Ogawa (Yuji Tanaka). Tatsune Ogawa recommends that they should hide the girl in the science lab. When they get there, they find Doctor of Engineering Kuriko Yanagi (Hiroko Yakushimaru) in the lab. Kuriko notices that the girl is actually a robot with human looks. A secret does exist within her.

The principal is afraid of a scandal and proposes a solution. They should keep this a secret and under the situation, Heita becomes the caretaker for the robot; not realizing that he has totally fallen in love with her...

I never watched "Absolutely Boyfriend" before so I gave this drama 3 out of 10. I don't get the narration, the moment when the guy realised he was already fallen in love with the robot and it's kind of ridiculous when it comes to the evil character~But still, I finished off the drama in a day (Now you know how bored I am xP)

Extra point: It's kind of sweet to see the guy wiping the tears on the robot's cheek and the hugging moment. R.E.A.L.L.Y S.W.E.E.T ^_^

Bah Tikah, ADANG!!! xD

Quite surprised with the element they put in the drama. I mean, they even include how the two characters really LIKE telephone poles and electric lines so much!!!!

Yes, I know............It looks nonsense at first in the earlier episode but as I kept on catching up with the drama, I think I have the same OBSESSION as they are.

Can I confess that I like computer keyboard??

I'm talking about computer keyboard here, not laptop keypad :D

Seriously, I really like to katik katik the keyboard, even masa damit pun~I like the old version of keyboard compared to the newest one because the older version lebih karas~I am really addicted to the sound of it. Sometimes I even imagined myself as an accountant in the bank (since I've seen mostly the accountant pressed the keyboard really hard. the sound of it :D) I even bought myself the cheapest keyboard to replace my laptop keypad (See how obsessed I am??)

Thanks Q10. You have pointed out my craziness ^o^

Another setiris mode xP~

Ane pun satu!! Ngam2 aku balik bah tuh!!!!


Ayam masak kicap & sayur campur masak kicap

Other than I put too much oil, I think it is ok ^_^

U-KISS Fanmeeting In Brunei

indirectly grabbed from Aswida Izatie's blog :>

Nak Didi, jgnkan ijun, kuji pun yg bukannya die hard fan U-KISS pun setiris membca news durng rh surat khabar.

Why they have to be in Brunei when I am still in UK?????

EHHH.....KUJI ALUM MULEH BAH NOH!!!! *Setiris mode*

I like the new members (Hoon & AJ) *Blushing*

KissMe are really upset for KiBum & Alexander's departure but the new members and their new concept did bring a great change to U-KISS (Mun inda, indakn Alai Sarinah yg nda minat U-KISS pun buleh cair msa ane xP)

Hoon - Bus

A reason why I like Hoon. His voice made me drooling.

Paran - First Love

Can't believe he debut when he was only 14 ?_?
Reason: Good-looking. Hehe......

Trip to Birmingham for Easter Break

Day 1 (Thursday) 17/04/2011

Last minute packing. I have my own 'Amazing Race' that morning on my way to Kingsway to hop into 7.35AM Megabus, which took almost 3 hours to reach Birmingham, together with Nisah. My first time using Megabus too. Slalunya pkai National Express kn~Luan awal bah Megabus atu. C-Dayang Nisah lah yg semngat ney xP.

Arrived at Birm around 10AM and continued our journey to 121 Langleys Road (Ka Mal's house). After rest for a while and bekenalan sekajap with Ka Mal's housemates, me and Nisah accompanied Ka Mal to her Uni since she has a lab session that evening. Kesian Ka Mal (;_;)

Sementara atu, continued with curang thingy 。◕ ‿ ◕。

Aston University

While waiting for Ka Mal to finish her lab, me and Nisah cuci mata rh city centre. Fuh (-_-;) patah jua kaki menyukat city centre + non-stop bebunyi parut minta kna isi~

After Ka Mal's finished her lab, M.A.M.A.M T.I.M.E. at Woktastic (Sushi buffet)

After mamam, took the chance to take some photos at the city centre before heading home.

Romantic kami Nisah atu \\(^_^)//
I tarik you tolak (^_*)

Day 2 (Friday) 15/04/2011

Went to Botanical Garden. Atupun aher betulak dri rumah~

Curang thingy again......
Birmingham City University
Ngam2 tejumpa on the way to Botanical Garden

Gambar ku sja bah rh Nisah punya camera *Giling2 kepala*

H.A.W.T. statue (^o^)

We spent 3 hours touring around that garden.

As we planned to have our dinner at the city centre, unexpected situation happened.
1) We were not sure which bus to ride since we only googled 'How to get to Botanical Garden' the night before
2) We were not sure when we supposed to get off from the bus because the bus made several stops at unfamiliar site of city centre

In the end, both of us ended up L.O.S.T. IN THE BUS for 2 hours. Antahhhh....d-mna kah kami kna bawa melencong. Dua2 lagi nda tebunyi tuh. We were like 'Pasrah sajalah'. Macam2~

Tpi Alhamdulillah, ahernya smpai jua kmi rh city centre. Once again the unfortunate thing happened. The buffet restaurant that we were about to dine in, didn't accept any more customer on that day. Sasapun~~~~~~~Sandi sandi

Mau inda mau, terpksalah dinner rh Subway sja~

Smpai rumah, Ili, Nisa, Nabilah & Ka JD were also joining us to sleepover too. In total, 11 peoples were in that house. ABSOLUTELY MERIAHHHHHH \\(^_^)//

Day 3 (Saturday) 16/04/2011

On the list : Visit to National Sea Life Centre

Before bejalan, we were served by the golden voices from 121 Langleys Road. Karaoke karaoke ^^ Banyak artis jua rumah durng ane XPXP

We leave at 2.??PM. Smpai rh city centre pun kn ampir lost jua mencri Sea Life Centre atu walaupun ada Ka Mal. Hehe....sasat2 ganya bah~

Hate that crab mascot. Awu Dayang Nisah, suka
banar ea kn kediaku. Banar2 gugur jantungku
ulehnya ^_*

Yeahhh.....aku tinggi xPxP

In the queue to enter the 4D cinema~

Basically, the National Sea Life Centre is almost similar as Underwater World In Sentosa. Ganya Sea Life ane bnyk pusing2~

M.A.M.A.M T.I.M.E at Chopstick Buffet Restaurant

Melapas hajat kajun~Kelmarin nda smpat, ari ane kami mengantam.
Very cheap and very yummy.
One complain please. They should include drinks as part of the menu too (-_-;)

Smpai rumah, Alhamdullilah, rezeki lagi.
Thanks to Ka Memet, Ka Jilah & Nabilah for your sayur bendi, ayam masak lemak cili api & bread butter milk pudding. SEDAP YO!!!! ^_^

Day 4 (Sunday) 17/04/2011


Special thanks to Nisah for everything. Starting from becoming my unpaid photographer, tour guide & smpaikn tepksa bngun awal ikut mendangani mengantar aku balik jua .....everything. Thank you so much.

To Ka Mal for becoming our tour guide too. Thanks Ka~

To 121 Langleys Road (Ka Mal, Ka Memet, Ka Jilah, Ka Diyana & Sarah), thank you for the free stay and free food.

And to Ili, Nisa, Nabilah & Ka JD, it was nice to meet the four of you ^_^

To wrap up this post

A story of a couch potato girl

My own way to celebrate my official Easter break!!!! (^_^)

Warning: Please don't make it as a habit!

For the past 3 days :

~I didn't do my grocery shopping. Nasib baik makanan mseh ada

~On Monday & Wednesday, I didn't even take my shower the whole day




Arigato to Alai Sarinah for the videos. Addicted ku yo smpai inda kluar2 bilik!

And I madly in love with Monday Couple ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
Macam meliat "We've Got Married" plang prasanku~

Touring to Cardiff Bay

Mula2 malas kn ikut tpi bila d-ingatkn psl sudah bejanji sma Imah & Nisah, on sjalah.....
And I was like chasing by the ghost on my way to the train station
In the end, a bye bye from the train
Tuh nah....siapa suruh lambat~

Kudos to Imah & Nisah for becoming our photographer
I don't have mood actually to take picture (Mentang2lah Cardiff Bay ane dakat xP)

Salam Brunei

The day has finally arrived

Show them what you've got, people!!!

The two "Tika's" as the ticket girl ^_^

The Gordon Road's girls are awesome.......
Amazing voices.....

Especially Umi xDxD

And the food
Barutah merasa makan nasi
Felt sorry to Nisah bila d-pikirkn lagi (;_;)

And I've got to meet Akinari in person too ^_^
Can't believe he is in UK now
Got lots of photos, aren't you???

Oh, he's the one with a black cap on the photo above

Si manja Aishah =)
Aiseh....romantic menari sama c dangan ^_*
Highlight highlight tuh xP

Memorable line:
"Nyaman kabab kami ane Pahci"
"Kabab apa tuh Wang?"
"Kabab campur talur~"
"Talur apa?"
"Talur panyu"

And finally I managed to meet Senior Nahqim jua. Dri winter break ari atu bah inda kesmpaian kn bejumpa~Awu aku jealous Senior dpt lucky draw aA (<_<) xP

Good job BDSSW for the successful Salam Brunei's event
All your hardwork were paid on that day!! ^_^

I'll make sure to attend the next year event too
But this time as a guest + 2nd year student (Amin) & as a senior (Amin)

Nandos + Arcade + Sleepover

Me and Alai Sarinah first experience using bus went to Nandos~

Mamam time.......

Memalui at arcade, next to Nandos.

Arghhh....hate that 'moment'. I think I am trauma of arcade now~
Mau tau??
Sorry, rahsia kami tiga ney xP

And we almost missed the last bus going back to Pontypridd. Nasib baik~~~~~Tuh nah luan kesiukkn rh arcade~

As soon as we arrived home, kami tiga bpikir ney smada jadi or inda kn sleepover rh durng Aishah due to Salam Brunei isuknya~But after we received Aishah & Abg Aflan's reply, we stick on with our original plan to sleepover at their house.

And we were disturbed by two drunken men on our way to the train station !@#$%^& Nasib baik sorang2 inda panic.

And Abg Aflan brought a great news too. Alhamdullilah.......rezeki \\(^_^)//

Red carpet for Nisah to Pontypridd :-)

My first guest finally arrived!!!!!!

Ane baru tia pndai bejanji nah~Mula2 buat plan kn mengaga c-Dayang Nisah ney rh train station d-city tpi antah inda tau d-mna silapnya, last2 ea plang terpksa ke Pontypridd sorng2. Ehhhh.....macam-macam *Giling2 kepala* :-P

After having a short chit chat with Alai Sarinah, the three of us heading to Pontypridd Museum. Msuk sana, memalui *Kes malas kn membca semua info psl history of Pontypridd ane* :-P

"Mr Alex Chong~" *Kenyit mata*

*Titanic background*

Taff's River view from the Old Bridge.

Next destination => To the park. Can't remember the name~

Next destination: Antah. Inda lagi kmi ingat d-mna kami membawa Nisah pusing2. Yg pastinya around Pontypridd town atu sjalah~

Well, kami Alai Sarinah plang yg labih2 mcm tourist ane d-bandingkn Nisah. Ketara beparam sja rh rumah xP

Sorry to Nisah because I didn't cook for her that night. Please blame on the test~

And sorry to her too because she slept quite late due to us. Well, salahkn Alai Sarinah xPxP

Ughhhh.....I should have taken Nisah's picture while she was sleeping!!! @#$%^

Pictures were taken from Nisah's album~

About Me

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When no one understand me, that is when this blog being a great help :-)