Be strong dear friend!

Dear friend,

I know that you hate when people sympathy your situation but I can't help it. I want to make sure you are alright. I really didn't expect it would turn out like this. How I wished I can buy the train ticket at this moment and went straight away to you place to accompany you and listen to whatever you want to talk about.

Dear friend,
Be strong! I know you would probably fed up upon hearing this but I really meant it. Be strong. Take care of your health. I may not be the best person to worry about you but please remember that I am always beside you if you need me. Love you dear friend. I can't wait to see you.

I miss you Mr.Ginger

Weird, I guess.
I kept on praying that those 'one week' moment can be rewind back.
I am weird, seriously weird!!
Is that mean, I am no more judging from someone appearances??

But I am sure this is just a minor crush. 
Don't think so seriously, Atikah! :P

I miss you dear blog :-((

I miss you dear blog :-((
It's been a while now....
And I always broke my promise. Tsk tsk......

I am enjoying my Easter holiday at the moment and I just got back from visiting Nisah at Cornwall. No long words this time and more pictures are coming your way below :-)

I was so amused with these 3 places: Eden Project, St.Michael Mount and Land's End *Mulut langap2* Cornwall is a very beautiful place. I would recommend people to visit there. Cumanya...hehe....ongkos pun cukup jua :P

Thank you so much to Nisah for the 'free package tour' (free place to stay + food + transport). Mudah2an murah rezeki, ada lagi ku ambush tuh :P

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When no one understand me, that is when this blog being a great help :-)