Piggy Dolls - That Girl I Knew

A very appealing cuteness.

Glad that they changed their music style.
I am not a fan of their previous single.

Amused by their weight loss.
Di mana ada kemahuan di situ ada jalan.

And glad they didn't loss their voices.

Don't accuse me for judging someone based on their physical appearances!

I still appreciate her!

A really beautiful girl and my first friend I've made in UK. Humbly, I am really really grateful that she wants to be my friend when I first arrived in UK. Considering who am I, what I have, how interesting am I as a person, I am really really thank her so much.

As time goes by, I did realise that she is not quite determined in her study. I mean, she took things for granted! Sorry to say. And in the first quarter of this year, I have made a big decision which I don't normally take towards a person. I cut off my communication with her, I deleted her number, I made my Facebook private to her, due to she DISAPPOINTED me!

And guess what, I encountered her Facebook status just now, telling how badly she wants her parents to understand her decision in doing a new course that she wants to take for this coming September.

From Civil Engineering to Fashion Promotion: A TOTALLY 180 DEGREES DIFFERENT COURSE!

I commented her status, telling her how relief I am to know that. I knew her not quite long but I knew her interest really well.

As someone who perhaps she still considered as a friend, I would say, I am really really appreciate her decision. I don't want her to gave up her study like that! Everyone has the future and so does she!

And I guess I am not that evil either! Hahaha....memuji diri sendiri tah banar :-P


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