Untuk kali ke dua

I supposed to go to Aini's house tomorrow (Monday) because she promised me to make her masterpiece menu which is Kimchi Stew. Both of us has planned this like a week ago and I think it is actually my fault for not telling my mom earlier.

My mom didn't allow me and her reason was kind of nonsense to me. I know that the tarikh keramat is approaching slowly and I haven't done the packing yet or finished listing all stuffs that I want to bring.  Nevertheless, I actually want my mom to give me her understanding that I want to spend my time with one of my precious friends before I leave.

Aini is the only friend that knew bits and pieces of my story when I proceeded my study to  Glamorgan. I don't think I have told Amal the complete story. Apatah lagi durang Yun, Sharl, Zirah, Asmaa, Maziah or Fai. Langsung nada tuh~And me myself believe that they didn't want to hear it either. We prefer to update our story ^_^

And "Go To Your Dreamland Atikah"! 

My mom's reason was more towards "Daripada kau bejumpa kawanmu, baiktah kau uruskan segala urusanmu atu sebelum kau trabang!"

It was hurt when I listened to it. And the after effect caused me crying. A bit. What else do I need to add in?? I MISS HANGOUT WITH MY FRIENDS! Is it enough already??

I know what my mom is trying to say. "Biarkan tah kau besusah-susah dulu asalkan kau dapat hasil kejayaannya di kemudian ari" I know mom. I am completely understand! Tapi apa jua buleh buatkan. Rasa jua diri ane kan becerita ketawa begila sama kawan2!

Kan marah2 arah mama, nada jua gunanya~Sadar jua ku keadaan diri atu macam mana!

Duhai hati, bersabarlah seketika. 
A good friend will never leave you, remember??


Missing you dear friends! Berabis!

Felt offended

Well, slightly offended.

A person has given me some advices on how to socialize, communicate, make friends and 'what-a-must-to-do' to spend my time in UK. I don't know where it went wrong. I mean, maybe the way I told her my story was kind of boring but I really really REALLY felt offended the way she advised me. She just heard stories from the others, NOT and NEVER experiencing it!

For a girl who has spent five years in a girl school who always hang out with her girlfriends and who doesn't has many guy friends, the term 'socialize' take a great courage for that girl to grab or take her first step. Nevertheless, she is talking about British guy, not an ordinary Bruneian guy!

I know. Wherever we go, wherever we are, we can't avoid the nature?? of socializing! But hey, I'm trying my best to cope with my surrounding here. I don't want to become a loner TOO!

Fluency of speaking, how interesting the story is and etc (Can't think of any) are what I think might hold me back!

On the other hand,
I would like to say thank you to that person for helping me out to get rid of some cloudy?? in my head about my future career. A bit though! I'm quite relieved actually.

I'm not that evil too. Quite offended in the first place but it felt great when she touched on my career. And hopefully, I can make changes in the future. Hoping for the best!

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